5 FAQs on Protein

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Protein is one of the major nutrients in human body. Protein is made up of amino acids. Human body cannot manufacture essential amino acids. Our body does not store protein - excessive protein would be converted into fat or excreted from the body. Hence, protein needs to be constantly supplied from dietary source.

Major Functions of Protein

  • Major structural components of cells and tissues; and is necessary for building and repairing tissues and organs. 
  • Forms our enzymatic system and regulates body metabolism.
  • For immunity and protection.
  • Transport materials in the body.
  • Supply energy.

Protein Deficiency
  • Stunted growth in children.
  • Falling hair, brittle nails and flaky skin.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • Increased severity of infections.
  • Loss of muscle mass.
  • Slow recovery from injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How much protein do you need?
A. Humans need about 0.8-1.0 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. One should consume more protein to improve muscle condition, strengthen immunity and for optimal bone health. In other words, people who are more physically active, pregnant ladies and the elderly require more protein.

Q2. Which protein do you need?
A. Animal-based protein have high content of fat, calorie and cholesterol. Whereas plant-based protein are low in fat and calorie and free of cholesterol.
Soya protein is a complete protein. It provides a full range of essential amino acid needed by the human body.

Q3. How much of protein intake is too much?
A. Protein intake accounts for 10-35% of the total calorie intake, and should not exceed the upper limit of 35%. The source of protein should be the primary concern. It is more important to make sure we consume high quality protein for better digestion and absorption.

Q4. Why do elderly people consume less protein?
A. Studies show that higher intake of protein is associated with better strength and physical performances, and may reduce age-related muscle loss. One-third of adults over age 50 fail to meet the RNI (Reference Nutrient Intake) for protein. Some challenges ageing adults face in getting enough protein include loss of appetite, difficulty in chewing, decreased tastebuds, health concerns and age-related changes in metabolism.

Q5. What is the efficacy of plant-based protein on building muscles?
A. Muscles enable movements, provide skeletal supports and protect bones and joints. Not enough of protein causes loss of lean muscle mass, slow healing of wounds and make us more susceptible to infections. People tend to lose muscle as they grow older. Muscle strength is affected without good and balanced nutrition. Tough workouts create microscopic damage within muscle cells, which are composed of protein. Isolated soya protein is beneficial in building muscle and strength. Carbohydrates and fats are also essential as sources of energy.

Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder

3 main ingredients:

(a) Isolated soya protein
Soya protein of high concentration are extracted using high technology, allowing better absorption into our body without the burden of chemical compounds like purine that form uric acid when metabolised. The PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) is a method of evaluating the quality of protein. The PDCAAS of soya protein is ranked at the highest score of 1. 

Adding soya protein to the diet benefits heart health and lower blood cholesterol. Consuming 25g of Isolated soya protein daily together low fat and low cholesterol diet will help reduce the risk of getting heart disease.

(b) Lecithin
Lecithin is an important component in cell membrane, and helps restore the cell membrane. It promotes the revitalization of the brain cells, improves memory and prevent Alzheimer Disease. It is a strong emulsifier, and can help breakdown the fatty residue buildup in blood vessels. It is beneficial to pregnant women, children and the elderly.

(c) Papaya and pineapple enzymes
These 2 papain and bromelin enzymes aid in absorption of Jia Hor Protein into our body.

How to consume?

Each sachet of Jia Hor Protein is equivalent to 1 egg or 1 glass of full cream milk. But it is only 43 Kcal per sachet.

Recommended consumption: 3-4 sachets per day. 
Add 1 sachet to 200 ml of water, fresh milk or fruit juice. Mix well and drink instantly.

(Source: SH seminar 24/11/2021)

How to order Jia Hor Soya Protein? One box of 30 sachets costs RM65 for Malaysian members.

Click on this link to register and then you can proceed with your order.

Email me at askfuiping@gmail.com if you need help. I am an Authorised Distributor.