Online Registration - How to Order Products Online

Friday, 7 May 2021

Good news! Another step forward for Shuang Hor!

To my Dear Readers who want to try Shuang Hor products, it is now just a few easy clicks away.

If you are a Malaysian or Indonesian, click on this link..

1) You will come to this page. Click the little button where the arrow is pointing.

2) Click "Register" on the top right corner. 

3) Click "Proceed" for New Member.

4) Follow instructions to fill in the Form.

5) Under Section 2 - Sponsoring, fill in as follows:

Sponsor Name: Lai Fui Ping

Sponsor Distributor No.: 3212302

Remember your Distributor No. You will need it to make your purchases.

How to Order Online

After you have registered, you are ready to make your first order. 

Just click on this link..

Then click "Login". Proceed with your order.

Email me at if you need help.