Exclusive: Guide to Selecting Ganoderma Products

Sunday 28 April 2024


Shuang Hor has made great technological advancements, particularly in developing and improving the Ganoderma range of products, especially Target Lingzhi, which is able to give us better results in a shorter period of time. In April 2024, Shuang Hor has organised a much needed seminar to help us understand better how to select Ganoderma products. 

The invited speaker was Ms Pei-Chin Chung, a Dietitian with Double Crane Group in Taiwan. Below are her credentials: 

  • Bachelor of Science, Taipei Medical University, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences.
  • Master of Science, Taipei Medical University, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences.
  • Specialist Dietitian of Renal Nutrition, Obesity and Sports Nutrition.
  • Professional Health Food Engineer.
  • Senior Professional and Technical Certified Dietitian.
  • Zumba instructor.
I have divided Ms Chung's presentation into 2 posts (due to the length). The complete posts are published in my Private Blog. 

Note: The info in my Private Blog is reserved exclusively for my Consumers and Business Partners only.

Part 1 focuses on:

> The differences in the manufacturing process between Basic and Target Lingzhi - the proprietary technology of Target Lingzhi which is the mycelium fermentation.
> How to choose between Basic and Target Lingzhi.
> Evidence proving the safety of Shuang Hor Lingzhi.
> Evidence proving the effectiveness of Shuang Hor Liingzhi.

This is the link:

Part 2 presents in detail:

> The benefits of YKCYKBYKK/S and YKi.
> How to select which Target Lingzhi to take for which disease and why.
> 2 testimonies.

This is the link:

Ms Chung's clear presentation has imparted invaluable knowledge to us, giving us more clarity on how to optimise the usage of Target Lingzhi, which gives higher efficacies, swifter results and is able to help more people.

If you are already authorised, just click on the relevant links above.. and happy reading.

However, if you are not already a consumer of Shuang Hor products, but are interested to find out more, drop me an email at askfuiping@gmail.com for an appointment. I am happy to answer your questions so you can decide whether you want to give Target Lingzhi a chance to help protect your health.

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Ganoderma Research: Combined effects of Lingzhi and Gefitinib (Iressa) improves Lung Cancer

Sunday 7 April 2024

This article is sourced and translated from Ganoderma Magazine (Issue 88). It is a report of a scientific study concluding that the combined therapy of Lingzhi triterpenoids and Gefitinib (sold under the brand name Iressa) improves lung cancer and reduces toxicity.

Lung cancer ranks among the most common primary cancer worldwide and is a leading cause of deaths amongst men and second amongst women. 

There are 2 types of lung cancer:

(i) Small cell lung cancer 

(ii) Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Advances in medical discoveries and technologies have improved the therapeutic methods for lung cancer. Gefitinib (trade name: Iressa) is a targeted drug commonly used to treat late-stage metastasis NSCLC and other cancer, like breast cancer. However, after 10 to 16 months of therapy, patients normally develop resistance to the drug thereby frustrating the treatment process.

Therefore, seizing the effective curative period of Gefitinib is crucial to the control of the metastatic cancer cells. At the same time, reducing the side effects of the drugs would enable the patients to be in a better state to fight the illness and reverse the situation. A joint study by the Dept of Oncology, Yantai Hospital of TCM and School of Medicine, Tibet University, found that the combination of Lingzhi triterpenoid and Gefitinib therapy increases efficacy and reduces toxicity. The study, which was headed by Wei Liu, is titled Ganoderma Triterpenoids attenuate tumour angiogenesis in lung cancer tumour-bearing nude mice, and was published in Pharmaceutical Biology in 2020.

The Experiment

Human lung cancer cells (A549) were cultured and then injected into immune-deficient mice (BALB/c). When the tumor grew to around 6-8 mm in diameter, the mice were randomly divided into 4 groups and administered for 14 days in the following manner:

(i) Saline group (control) - intragastric injection with saline daily.

(ii) GLT group - intragastric injection with Lingzhi triterpenoids (1g/kg daily).

(iii) GEF group - intraperitoneal injection with gefitinib (15mg/kg daily).

(iv) GLT + GEF group - combination of (ii) and (iii).

The mice were sacrificed and analysed on the 15th day.

The Results

It was found that the tumor volume of GLT, GEF and GLT+GEF groups were significantly lower than the Saline (Control) group. The inhibition rates of the tumors were GLT 37%, GEF 43% and GLT+GEF 52%. This suggested that although GLT and GEF may inhibit the rate of tumor growth individually, the combined effect is higher. The inhibition was due to the accelerated apoptosis of cancer cells and at the same time inhibiting tumor angiogenesis.

What is Angiogenesis?

Angiogenesis is the process through which new blood vessels grow from existing blood vessels. In order to survive, tumors need to continuously grow new blood vessels to link to existing blood vessels for oxygen and nutrients. This also explains how cancer cells tend to spread (metastasize) to the surrounding tissues and other parts of the body. Therefore, the density of micro-vessels (microvascular) in the tumor tissues will be key to the continuous growth of tumors.

The study made a histological (immunohistochemical) analysis of the tumor tissues of the various group. Quantifying the analysis showed that GLT and GEF groups had lower microvascular density (MVD) than the control group, indicating inhibition of tumor angiogenesis. However, the efficacy was much better when GLT was combined with GEF.

The Side Effects

The mice were weighed on the 1st, 8th and 15th day of the study. The results showed, after the 8th day, the weight of:

- The GEF group dropped significantly.

- The GLT group was stable.

- The GLT+GEF group maintained closer to that of normal healthy mice.

This indicated that the combined therapy of GLT+GEF reduces the side effects of GEF as weight is normally an indicator of well being.

In their observation of the mice, the study found that:

- The GEF group showed signs of agitation and drowsiness, reduced physical activity, decreased feeding and dull skin colour. This could be due to the effects of administrating GEF.

- The GLT+GEF group showed no obvious agitation and drowsiness, accessed water and food without difficulty, and exhibited improved skin color compared to the GEF group.

The results indicated that GLT played a role in alleviating the effects caused by GEF.


The study showed that Lingzhi triterpenoids do not affect the efficacy of Gefitinib but enhanced it.

Note: The study did not dwell into the details of the Lingzhi triterpenoids being used and what was the effective content. The dosage of 1g/kg used in the study was high, but one should note that the study is for a short duration and the researchers would like to know the results within a short span of time. A reasonable dosage is necessary for Lingzhi to take effect in this kind of situation

(Source: Shuang Hor Video Depository, 19/12/2021)

Please email askfuiping@gmail.com if you have any questions.

If you wish to order Lingzhi (Yung Kien C Ganoderma Tablet), please click on this link..


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When the liver fails

Saturday 16 March 2024

Our liver is the largest solid organ in our body and performs over 500 essential functions.

Some of the important Functions include:

i) Produces albumin

Albumin is a protein that keeps fluids in our bloodstream from leaking into surrounding tissue. Albumin also binds and carries hormones, vitamins and enzymes throughout our body.

ii) Produces bile

Bile is a fluid that aids the digestion and absorption of fats in our small intestine.

iii) Regulates blood clotting

Blood-clotting coagulants are created utilising vitamin K, which can only be absorbed with the help of bile.

iv) Filters blood

All the blood leaving our stomach and small intestines have to pass through the liver, which then extricates and removes toxins, by-products and harmful substances such as bacteria.

v) Regulates amino acids

Our liver ensures that amino acid levels in our bloodstream remain optimal. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.

vi) Regulates glucose

Our liver removes excess glucose from our bloodstream and stores it in the form of glycogen. If our body needs extra energy, it converts the glycogen back into glucose.

vii) Stores essential vitamins and minerals

The liver stores vitamins A, D, E, K and B12, as well as iron and copper.

If your liver fails, then all these functions will diminish progressively. There are 2 types of liver failure:

> Acute liver failure, where the symptoms occur within 6 months.

> Chronic liver failure, which can take years to develop. Some symptoms include fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, blood in stools and vomiting.

As the liver failure advances, the Symptoms become more severe:

> Jaundice, due to build-up of too much bilirubin in your blood.

> Extreme fatigue.

> Disorientation, confusion and changes in sleep pattern.

> Hepatic flap, where the person has tremors and inability to keep his wrists extended when the arms are outstretched.

> Ascites and edema.

> Weight loss.

> Itchiness.

> Bruising and bleeding, due to lack of blood-clotting factors.

> Red palms and spider naevi on the skin, due to blood vessel malformations.

> Large spleen, due to increased pressure in the portal vein because there is increased resistance to blood flow in a damaged liver.

Why does the liver fail?

3 causes of acute liver failure are:

> Hepatitis B.

> Drugs and toxins, including overdose of paracetamol, antibiotics and anti-depressants.

> Auto-immune hepatits.

3 causes of chronic liver failure are:

> Hepatitis B and C, which can lead to liver cirrhosis.

> Long-term alcohol consumption, which can lead to alcoholic liver cirrhosis.

> Haemochromatosis, a genetic condition that causes your body to absorb and store too much iron.

(Source: When the liver fails, StarHealth, 15 May 2022)

If you get liver failure, what can you do?

Looking for a long-term solution which has no side effects?

Click on this link.. Liver and Lingzhi

Yes, this brand of Lingzhi called Yung Kien Ganoderma (YK1) has received accreditation from the Health Ministry of Taiwan for 2 important functions:

(i) The ability to prevent or reduce liver inflammation and treat hepatitis.

(ii) The ability to generate healthy liver cells and help reduce liver cells death.

Our liver is so very important for our overall health. It is such a blessing to have a product by my side that is Proven to take care of my liver and is Safe to consume everyday. My family and I have been taking this Lingzhi for over 10 years. Why don't you give it a try..?

How to order YK1?

Click on this link and follow the easy instructions to proceed with your online order.

Email me at askfuiping@gmail.com for advice on what dosage of YK1 is most suitable for your condition. I am an Authorised Distributor.

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Hip Fractures and Osteoporosis

Saturday 17 February 2024

Bone fractures in the elderly are almost always caused by weak bones from osteoporosis or a fall. It is common that hip bones are the ones that are fractured. If someone has a hip fracture and wants to be pain-free, he would have to be bed-ridden for 3-6 months. The bone may heal but it could be in a displaced position and he would be unable to walk properly and fall again. Also, staying for prolonged duration in a lying position can cause lung complications, pneumonia, blood clots, bed sores, etc. 

For that reason, doctors prefer hip fractures in elderly to be operated on. Unfortunately, surgery has many risks due to their age. Putting them under anaesthesia is also risky. Further, the elderly may be unfit for surgery if they have blocks in the arteries and their cardiovascular risk for hip replacement is very high.

In such cases, doctors can only pump them with painkillers and blood thinners to prevent strokes or deep vein thrombosis. They would likely need nursing care. It is a financial and emotional strain to their family.

Those who can undergo surgery would have to sit up within 3-4 days and undergo chest rehabilitation to enable them to breath well. By day 5, they have to be transferred to a wheelchair. It would be a very painful process during these 3 months. 

I have something that can help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery - Vitaking collagen. What is it? Check out this 40-second video..


Osteoporosis is inevitable

Women have a 5 to 1 ratio of suffering fractures, as compared to men. The risk is even higher after menopause as the decline in oestrogen makes the bones thinner. The worst hit areas are the hip joint, end of wrist and spine. Women are advised to build their bone mass to a high level when they are in their 20s to 40s, so that when they reach menopause, the bone mass does not drop to a critical stage.

How can you do that? 

Again, I recommend Vitaking. Its main ingredient is Collagen. Click on this article to find out how it functions and why it's a better solution than taking Glucosamine..


Bone renewal is a slow process and has to be combined with proper diet and exercise to work. There's a 40-50% risk of another hip fracture occurring within a year. The anti-osteoporotic drugs take at least 1 year to work. So if your hips are not strong and you are not changing your lifestyle or not doing physiotherapy, then it is going to happen again. Work on building muscles to prevent loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength.

Vitaking helps strengthen your bones, reduce body weight and improves cardiovascular functions. Click here for details..


Some ways to prevent falls

> Have a potty in the bedroom for night-time urination.

> Don't get up from lying to standing position too quickly as it will cause a drop in blood pressure, making you dizzy and fall.

> Install a dim floor light or keep the toilet light on.

> Keep the bedroom free from obstacles so you can move unobstructed.

> Get anti-slip floor mats.

> Remember to take your medications.

(Source: When the hips break, StarHealth, 19/6/2022)

How to order?

Click on this link to register and then you can proceed with your order.

Email me at askfuiping@gmail.com if you have questions. I will do my best to help. I am an Authorised Distributor.

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Bits & Bites #237 - Health: If You Have All the Money in the World, Which Would You Choose?

Saturday 20 January 2024

Q. If you are deathly sick (eg. cancer) but have all the money in the world to buy back your health, which solution will you choose?

Me: Why would you choose medicine and hospitals?
Given a choice, I will always go for something that has the capability of Medicine, but proven Safe - Lingzhi.
Even better, I will not wait until my health is compromised. I take Lingzhi as Maintenance because I whole-heartedly believe in Prevention and Protection.


How does one get acidic body constitution?

Unhealthy dietary habits like eating a lot of processed food, oily food, sweet food and meat.
Stress and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, worry.
Overwork in the office or too much physical activity which is beyond the body's capability.
- Exposure to radiation.


Q. Why do some people feel heaty when they start to take Lingzhi?
A. They have acidic body constitution and have a lot of toxins in the body. Their liver function is weak and cannot eliminate all the toxins out. With Lingzhi, this function is reactivated and hence, with the increased activity, more heat is produced.


Q. How many Lingzhi should one take a day as maintenance?
A. It depends on the person. If your body is clean and you are healthy, you can already see good improvement by taking just 2 YK1 a day. But if your body is 'dirty' and you are not in good health, you need to take more. 


Q. What the difference between CEO Coffee and 'cheap' coffee?
A. Simply put, from long-term consumption, 'cheap' coffee can block your blood vessels, whereas CEO Coffee clears your blood vessels.
Why? Because the ingredients used are different. CEO Coffee uses coconut oil which does not contain trans-fat. And with the addition of Lingzhi, CEO Coffee can reduce the risks of 3 complications - stroke, stones and dementia.


Taking Shuang Hor products allow you to be in control of your health. It saves you a lot of time from being caught in traffic going to hospitals and having to wait for hours for doctors' consultations. Not to mention the time sacrifices by your loved ones who need to bring you there. Most importantly, Shuang Hor products are a 100% safer alternative to medicine. Take the right dose and you will be pleasantly surprised.


This post is part of a series sharing Bits of mishmash on health, my business and life in general, which I find inspirational, enlightening or enriching. And Bites of delicious food I have enjoyed.

Any questions? Email me at askfuiping@gmail.com. Happy to help. I am an Authorised Distributor of Shuang Hor.

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How to Take Care of Your Liver and 3 Testimonies on Hepatitis

Sunday 31 December 2023

Your liver is the largest internal organ in your body and performs thousands of functions to keep you going. These are some of the Signals you will notice when your liver starts crying for help:

- Dark spots on your face.

- Yellowing of the white of eyes (jaundice).

- Ascites (water retention in belly area).

- First pee in the morning is brownish in colour.

- Fingernails or toenails look dull, change colour, thicken, become brittle, have uneven surface or become loose.

- Feel thirsty and have bad breath. From the TCM (traditional Chinese medicine point of view), this is due to Liver Qi not smooth, caused by stasis / stagnation. The accumulation of foul-smelling toxins in the body tends to give the breath a musty and foul odour.

How to Protect Liver Functions?

1. Lifestyle - have sufficient sleep, do regular exercise, relax your mind and reduce stress.

2. Maintain healthy weight. Obesity can cause the liver to work harder, increasing the risk of fatty liver.

3. Avoid unnecessary blood transfusion, injection, ear piercings, tattoos and sharing of toothbrush and shaver with others.

4. Avoid contact with blood-contaminated equipment or sharing cutleries to reduce the risk of contracting hepatitis B and C as these virus are spread via blood and body fluids.

5. Balanced diet. For a speedier weight loss, eat only low-sugar, high protein and low carb food. Unbalanced diet increases burden on the liver.

6. Food hygiene. Don't drink unboiled water or eat raw seafood as seashells can cause hepatitis A infections.

7. Avoid overeating, alcohol, smoking and processed food.

8. Three acupuncture points for nourishing the liver:

a) Tai chong point (indentation between 1st and 2nd toes).

b) Da dun point (inner part of big toe).

c) San yin jiao point (4 fingers above knob at inner ankle).


These 3 testimonies are extracted from "Healthy Ganoderma" Magazine issue 88, which is a quarterly publication by the Microbiological Research Foundation of Taiwan.

Case 1

Mr Shi Mingde is a hepatitis B carrier. He first detected a benign growth in his liver in year 2000, when he was donating blood. He had a relapse in liver cancer in 2006 and then in 2012. When he came to know about Lingzhi in 2012, he started consuming 9 sachets a day. He did not experience any healing reactions during this period. His liver function index became normal. When he was 78 years old, he could even go for a 34-day tour of 6 countries.

Case 2

In 2011, Mr Chen Yingsheng experienced these symptoms: edema of the feet, gets tired easily, ascites in belly, eyes are a little yellowish, feels drowsy but poor sleep quality and dizziness after waking up. His GPT and GOT readings are normal, but his liver heparin is high at 4.1 mg/dL (normal 0-1.3 mg/dL), and AFP (tumour marker) is very high 170 ng/mL (normal reading for Asians <20 ng/mL). Doctor informed him there is no medicine that can cure him. As his sister-in-law took Lingzhi for her liver problem, he followed suit. 3 months later, his AFP value became normal.

In 2015, he had a recurrence of fulminant hepatitis. The doctor advised that liver transplant is the only way. He started consuming high dose of Lingzhi. After 10 over days, his condition improved. He continued taking Lingzhi until to-date. He didn't need to undergo liver transplant. His blood pressure and blood lipids are normal.

Case 3

Mr Pan Xinhong is a hepatitis B carrier and has hereditary low platelet count. In April 2008, he suffered from severe sepsis caused by acute hepatitis which requires liver transplant. Just overnight, his liver bulged out, he had very severe ascites and his limbs were showing edema. He cannot eat nor urinate. While waiting for liver transplant, he consumed high dose of Lingzhi and Pollen. 8 months later, his liver function improved to a level that resulted in him not being eligible for health insurance if were to undergo liver transplant operation. It would cost him NTD2 million if he proceeded on his own.

in 2014, he was readmitted to hospital for 12 days due to complications arising from liver cirrhosis. The diagnosis states that he has cirrhosis with variceal bleeding, ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal bleeding and urinary tract infection. He consumed high dose of Lingzhi and Pollen. He improved his daily routine. He also took Jia Hor Protein, Jia Hor Fiber and CEO Coffee. He took more veges and reduced red meat. He stopped working night shift. His liver functions has returned to normal, and his platelet index has also improved.

(Source: SH seminar 23/4/2022)

How to order?

Click on this link to register and then you can proceed with your order.

Email me at askfuiping@gmail.com if you have questions or need help. I am an Authorised Distributor.

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What is Hidden Hunger?

Monday 11 December 2023

Hidden Hunger
is a term that WHO uses to refer to Micronutrient Deficiencies, which occurs when the quality of food that people eat doesn't meet their nutrient requirements. As such, they are not getting the essential vitamins and minerals they need for their growth and development. According to statistics, approximately 2 billion people worldwide are suffering from health problems due to deficiencies in these micronutrients.

There are many aspects that cause Micronutrient Deficiencies, including:

> Changes in life and work styles, with longer indoor working hours, less outdoor activity and physical exertion, and a decrease in food intake.

> Increased exposure to radiation due to the popularity of electronic gadgets, causing harm to our body in the long run.

> Negative effects of the advent of technology where even though the quantity of food production has increased, but the essential micronutrients have decreased. Consuming the same amount of food is no longer sufficient to meet the body's needs.

Long-term nutritional deficiency can lead to suboptimal health and eventually diseases. 

How to improve or maintain health so that people have fewer chronic diseases?

The best way to address Hidden Hunger is to Eat right and eat well. A complete and balanced diet of essential nutrients and minerals is crucial for the proper functioning of our body. Pollen is one of the most natural and complete food that fits the body's nutritional needs.

How to identify quality pollen?

a) Professional and strict testing - free from pesticides and microbial contamination, with strict expert control.

b) Natural and pure in origin - zero pollution and close to nature.

c) Sealed collection and strict selection - pollen grains selected by the bees.

d) Approximately 200 types of micronutrients which are natural and wholesome

Click here for details of the main components in each grain of Yung Kien Pollen..


What are the benefits of Yung Kien Pollen? Click here..


(Source: SH magazine, April 2022)

How to order Yung Kien Pollen?

Click on this link to register and then you can proceed with your order.

Email me at askfuiping@gmail.com if you need help. I am an Authorised Distributor.

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