Irregular Periods, Infertility and PCOS

Sunday 12 May 2024

Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid that are found in the ovaries.They are usually harmless and will disappear naturally on their own. However, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affect a woman's health. It is one of the most common causes of irregular periods and infertility. 

Any woman can get PCOS and they usually become aware of it when they are trying to conceive. Some factors that contribute to PCOS include insulin resistance (which increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes) and higher levels of male hormones.

When should you suspect you might have PCOS?

> Irregular or no menstrual periods, or abnormal spotting.

> Obesity where these women tend to gain weight even when they seem to be on a well-controlled diet.

> Infertility.

> Facial acne, excessive body hair and hair loss, usually caused by higher levels of male hormones.

> Acanthosis nigricans, which are patches of dark, velvety and thickened skin patches, located along the neck creases, underneath the breast or along the groin.

How is PCOS diagnosed?

The most commonly used method is the Rotterdam Criteria, which requires the woman to have at least 2 out of 3 of the below symptoms:

> Have very few periods or no periods at all.

> Have a polycystic ovary.

> Have high levels of male hormones.

What to do if you have PCOS?

PCOS is usually not life-threatening, but women with PCOS might be at risk of uterine cancer as the inner lining of their uterus can become very thick due to the non-shedding caused by irregular menstruation.

> Infertility

Some methods used: ovulation induced via medication, fertility treatments like IUI or IVF, laparoscopic ovarian drilling as a last resort.

> Excessive body hair

Hormonal treatment or physical treatment eg waxing, depilatories and electrolysis.

> Irregular menstrual period

One of the most natural drug-free treatment is to reduce body weight. But this is easier said than done as PCOS is caused by imbalances in hormones, making it difficult to lose weight and easy to pile back on the kilos lost. 

Incorporate a healthy diet (which helps lower blood sugar level and prevent ischaemic heart disease) and sufficient exercise to reduce the symptoms of PCOS, regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the risk of developing uterine cancer.

(Source: Having irregular periods? StarHealth, 8 May 2022)

What else can you do?

The best natural herb I know that is able to regulate our body functions and hormones is Lingzhi / Ganoderma. It is known for its dual-regulating ability whereby it enhances the "too-low" and brings down the "too-high" in our body, including blood pressure, immune responses, blood sugar and of course, hormones, to a healthy level.

I will let the Testimonies do the talking..

> Click here for a testimony of How to Eliminate Ovarian Cysts Without Operation.

> Click here for 4 more Testimonies on Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts and Miscarriage.

> Click then scroll to the end of this rather long post for the Testimony of how I have personally helped a lady with PCOS to conceive her 2nd child.

How to order?

Lingzhi can help control the undesirable symptoms and signs of PCOS.
Our nutritionist recommends these 2 types:

(i) YKi : Maintain immune-endocrine-nervous system stability, hence is able to address gynaecological problems of males and females eg. infertility, uterine fibroids etc.

(ii) YKK/S : Modulate male and female hormones which are secreted from the adrenal cortex. 

Due to complexities of the hormonal system, as YKi and YKK contain all ingredients of Lingzhi fruiting body from both YK-01 and YK-02 species, together they can achieve positive hormone regulation effect.

Click on this link to register and then you can proceed with your order.

Email me at for more details and how to consume. I am an Authorised Distributor.