Bits & Bites #224 - Testimonies: Viral Infection, Meningitis, Pneumonia and Fever

Sunday, 8 December 2019

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Testimony: Viral Infection on a 9-Year Old Girl

In Oct 2017, Ms A's whole family suffered from a viral infection, with flu-like symptoms, body ache, fever etc. Ms A's 9 year old daughter suffered quite badly. She suddenly had high fever (38.5'C), body ache, no appetite and no energy, on the Sat and Sun before Depavali. She was fed 2 capsules Yung Kien Ganoderma + 1 sachet Yung Kien Pollen. Even though she vomited, Ms A continued to feed her as she wanted her daughter to have some Lingzhi inside her body.

Ms A eventually decided to give her daughter half capsule Yung Kien Ganoderma every hour, to make sure she has Lingzhi in her system the whole time. She vomited the first dose but managed to keep in the second dose.

On Day 3 (Mon), she managed to take 4-5 Yung Kien Ganoderma + 6-9 Lactoberry. She also drank Luchun Tea (mixed with half sachet Vitaking) throughout the day, to ensure she is not dehydrated. She was not vomiting anymore. She had constipation. She could sleep through the night.

On Day 4 (Tue), her fever broke. She had more energy and could eat some bread. She also drank Jia Hor Soya Protein. She had a lot of phlegm which she did not know how to excrete so Ms A felt the vomit is good for her to flush the unwanted things out of her body and help her feel better.

On Day 6 (Thu), Ms A had a family outing in Malacca. The little girl was already pretty much herself.


Testimony: Suspected Meningitis 

Mr P's friend, an IT consultant, 50s, had a sudden high fever and a severe sharp pain in his head. It lasted for many days and taking panadols did not help. One day he fainted and fell into a coma. He was admitted to UH. He had an outbreak of red colour spots all over his body which eventually turned black. He was in coma for 1 week. At that time, his company terminated his contract as it did not want to bear future responsibility.

It was a case of suspected viral meningitis but was not confirmed. When he didn't regain consciousness after 1 week, his wife suddenly remembered that Lingzhi is effective for viral attacks. Mr P gave her 2 bottles Yung Kien Ganoderma. The doctor strongly forbade her to feed him Lingzhi. He only relented after he got her to sign a disclaimer form to discharge the hospital of any responsibility.

Due to budget constraint, she fed him only 20 capsules Yung Kien Ganoderma a day. Despite that, he regained consciousness after taking less than 1 bottle. He was discharged after 1 week. Due to the long ordeal, his brain has been damaged. However, he is still alive 4 years later.


Testimony: Pneumonia and General Health

Mr T started taking Lingzhi 15 years ago (at the age of 26) when he suffered from pneumonia again. He used to have pneumonia every 2-3 years. He believed he had caused a lot of damage to his lungs and liver as he used to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day and drank hard liquor every other day. He has never taken less than 12 capsules Lingzhi a day since he got started.
It took him about 2 years to get his first proper detox because his body was not in a good condition. 
Healing reactions: He coughed up a lot of phlegm.
His body felt cold from the inside but the skin was warm to the touch. It is an acidic body constitution. He felt very lethargic. He could not stay awake around 4-5 pm and had to sleep. But when he lay down, he couldn't sleep. The body was aching for 2-3 days. His stomach was growling. He had diarrhoea and passed out very smelly, sticky, black stools.
After this period of detox, he experienced an increased level of vitality. He felt more energetic. Then he had another episode of diarrhoea, going to the toilet 3 times in the morning before going to work. It lasted for 5 days. After that, he felt well again.


Testimony: Cough and Fever

Ms Y's 14 year old daughter fell sick during school holidays. She had fever and a bit of cough. Ms Y told her to take Lactoberry every 2 hours. She obediently did so because she wanted to go out with her friends the next day. Amazingly, she recovered the next day and was able to go out with her friends.

After that, Ms Y herself fell sick on the eve of Winter Solstice. It started with sore throat. She took 1 capsule Yung Kien Ganoderma, removed the capsule, poured the powder to coat her throat and went to sleep. The sore throat disappeared the next day. She also felt feverish and her body was aching. She took 2 sachets Vitaking a day and every hour, 2 Yung Kien Ganoderma + 2 Lactoberry. She recovered within 1 day and could enjoy her holidays.

The following weekend, it was the turn of her son and husband to fall sick - feverish and vomiting. On Sunday morning, she told them to take Lactoberry and Yung Kien Ganoderma. She boiled 10 sachets Luchun Tea in a pot of water for them to drink. Her son also took Vitaking because he had back pain. Her husband was still unwell on Sunday night and she was prepared for the eventuality that she had to open shop and work alone on Monday.

She boiled porridge for lunch and cooked meehoon for dinner, adding Jia Hor Seasoning to both. Surprisingly, on Monday morning, her husband felt well enough to go to work. As he still had sore throat and still wasn't feeling well, Ms Y packed Lactoberry and Yung Kien Ganoderma together with sandwiches for his lunch. By night time, he had recovered.

So the Secret is, when you are about to fall sick, quickly take high dosage of Shuang Hor products. You will see very marked difference and very rapid recovery.


Testimony: Fever and Swollen Ankle

Mr L said one day when he had fever, he went to see a doctor as he wasn't familiar with Shuang Hor products then. The doctor gave him antibiotics and another type of medicine. After a few days, his ankle was swollen. When he consulted the doctor again, he was told it could be caused by blood clots. He felt very frightened and worried.

Only then, he consulted his friend on how Shuang Hor products could help and was advised to take 2 capsules Yung Kien Ganoderma each time, 3 times a day. After a few days, he felt the swelling and pain had reduced. He was really surprised. He continued to take and eventually recovered. He also did not feel tired easily as compared to the past.

Email if you are looking for an effective solution to solve your various problems. I am an Authorised Distributor.

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