Bits & Bites #147 - Business: Allopathic v. Naturopathic Medicine

Sunday, 24 July 2016

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Osteria Real Blue
When you say Lingzhi is expensive - what are you comparing it with?
Lingzhi is able to prevent and handle diseases like dengue, cancer, stroke, heart attack etc.
These conditions require hospital stays. Medical bills nowadays are very expensive. If you have something that can help you prevent the sufferings and inconvenience of surgery and hospitalisation, reduce your pain, and speed up your recovery process, is it worth paying for?


We want to help customers to eat the right products until they recover. So the dosage must be appropriate. After that, we help them to eat cheaper and save money. Our intention must be right. We are not proposing a high dose simply to earn their money. We are proposing something that is appropriate for their needs.
If we dare not propose the right solution, we are short-changing our friends. Our intention is to sincerely help people solve their problem.


Why don't doctors recommend Lingzhi?
There are 2 schools of thought.
1) Doctors believe in Allopathic medicine, i.e. combat diseases by using drugs and surgery.
2) Lingzhi falls under the Naturopathic medicine, which is a form of alternative medicine.

People who believe in Allopathy will not go for Naturopathy treatment.
However, do you know there are Limitations to allopathy medicines?
- All the drugs prescribed carry side effects.
- The drugs don't cure the problem. They only treat the symptoms. Hence, they are not good long- term solutions.


If you are sick, and you say Lingzhi is too expensive and you have no money to buy, then you must seriously consider doing Shuang Hor Business. Why?
Because if you don't properly treat your disease or if you don't have the money to go for treatment now, will you be healthier 10 years down the road? No.
If you are sick, how will you be able to earn more money?
You will end up with No Money and No Health.
However, with Shuang Hor business, I can help you regain your health and also help you find the money you need for your future.


I don't say Shuang Hor products are the best in the market.
But in my 8 years since knowing Shunag Hor, I haven't found a product that is better.
Presently, there is no other product that can compete with Shuang Hor Lingzhi. It has gained the most number of credible independent endorsements and certifications.
That is why I will continue to consume and use Shuang Hor products.

This post is part of a weekly series sharing Bits of mishmash on health, my business and life in general, which I find inspirational, enlightening or enriching. And Bites of delicious food I have enjoyed. 

Drop me a mail at if you want more tips on how to successfully achieve your goals. Have an awesome day!