Exclusive: Stories on Target Lingzhi Application

Monday, 4 December 2023

In November, 2023, Ms Chun-Ching Wu (Ginny Wu) presented 12 testimonies which illustrate how to effectively use Equivalent Target Lingzhi to help manage various health conditions. 

Below are the credentials of Ms Ginny Wu:
  • Dietitian of Double Crane Enterprise
  • Bachelor of Science, China Medical University, Department of Nutrition
  • Master of Science, National Chung Hsing University, Department of Food Science and Biotechnology
  • Senior Professional and Technical Certified Dietitian
  • Specialist Dietitian of Renal Nutrition and Sports Nutrition
  • Professional Healthfood Engineer
  • Food Safety - Management of the HACCP Process.
Equivalent Target Lingzhi has been in the Taiwan market since 2017. The results of its usage by many consumers have surpassed Shuang Hor's expectations. By sharing their stories, Ms Wu hopes it will boost your confidence in the benefits of Target Lingzhi. The 4 products she presented are YKiYKK/YKSYKB and YKC.

I have divided her presentation into 2 posts, Part 1 and Part 2 (due to the length). The complete posts are published in my Private Blog. 

Note: The info in my Private Blog is reserved exclusively for my Consumers and Business Partners only.

This link brings you to Part 1, which focuses on 5 testimonies relating to YK Immune (YKi).

Testimony 1: Mr Tu Gong-quan, 60 years old - Covid-19 Infection
Testimony 2: Mr Wu Qiao-bin, 37 years old - Herpes Virus Infection
Testimony 3: Wu Cheng-yu, 6 years old boy - Hives Allergy
Testimony 4: Mr Chen Sheng-xi, 69 years old - Liver Inflammation
Testimony 5: Mr Chong Hou-meng, 49 years old - Diabetes

This link brings you to Part 2, which presents 7 testimonies relating to YK Kidney (YKK/YKS), YK Bone (YKB) and YK Cancer (YKC).

Testimony 6: Ms Chen Wen-ting, 51 years old - Vitiligo
Testimony 7: Mr Yuan Chong-ren, 20 years old - Kidney Inflammation and Urinary System Problem
Testimony 8: Mr Du Sheng-chao, 75 years old - Ischemic Stroke
Testimony 9: Ms Shi Chia-ling, 40 years old - Psychosis, Depression and Insomnia
Testimony 10: Mr Hu Zhi-hao, 46 years old - Colitis leading to Sepsis and Multiple Organ Failure
Testimony 11: Mr Qiu Sheng-lin, 29 years old - Fractured and Dislocated Hip Bone from Car Accident
Testimony 12: Mr Zhang San-zheng, 45 years old - Stage 4 Oral Cancer

If you are already authorised, just click on the relevant links above.. and happy reading.

However, if you are not already a consumer of Shuang Hor products, but are interested to find out more, drop me an email at askfuiping@gmail.com for an appointment. I am happy to answer your questions so you can decide whether you want to try my products to help manage your condition.