Dietary Fibre for Weight Management, Diabetes and Constipation Problem

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Since young, our mothers always nag us to "Eat more fibre". Do you know why? 

This post shares with you the importance of taking sufficient fibre and the grave consequences of fibre deficiency.

Fibre is found mainly in fruits, vegetables, legumes etc. It is actually the roughage or bulk that stays relatively intact throughout our digestive tract because unlike carbo, proteins or fats, it cannot be digested. 

These are some tell-tale signals which your body gives you when you're not taking enough fibre:

> Constipation. Even though there are many factors that contribute to constipation, fibre deficiency is one of the major contributor.

> Feeling hungry soon after eating, as fibre gives a feeling of satiety.

> Weight gain. Fibre helps to maintain a healthy weight. If you don't consume enough fibre, you may be at risk of gaining extra kgs.

> Bloating symptoms, as fibre contributes to our gut health.

> Elevated cholesterol, if you don't take enough soluble fibre.

> High blood sugar level.

In Malaysia, the recommended intake is 20-30g of dietary fibre per day. BUT do you know that according to the statistics from the National Health & Morbidity Survey, 95% of Malaysians do not consume enough fibre? One of the consequences is increased risk of colorectal cancer. Other factors which increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer include age (over 50), high-fat diet, being overweight and alcohol & tobacco use. Apart from age, all the others are modifiable factors, i.e. they are lifestyle habits which we can change.

According to WHO, colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer type worldwide, with almost 2 million cases diagnosed in 2020. It's the 2nd most common cause of cancer death, with almost 1 million deaths / year. In Malaysia, colorectal cancer is the leading cancer for males and 2nd leading cancer for females (after breast cancer). Unfortunately despite it being one of the most common cancer, it's usually diagnosed late: up to 73.1% are diagnosed at Stages 3 & 4. 

How to prevent colorectal cancer?

> Adequate fibre intake.

> Reduce processed meat.

> Reduce alcohol.

> Maintain weight.

> Be physically active.

Introducing Jia Hor Fibre

Jia Hor Fibre contains water soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, Lingzhi and minerals. Each sachet offers 4g of dietary fibre, enriched with Digestion Resistant Maltodextrin.

(a) Insoluble fibre

This type of fibre doesn't dissolve in water or intestinal fluid and thus helps food to pass through the digestive system and helps bulk up the stools. As such, it's effective to:

> Reduce diverticular disease (small pouches that form in the wall of the colon) risk.

> Reduce colorectal cancer risk.

> Improve satiation as it physically fills up our stomach thereby making us feel full for longer after meals.

> Prevent constipation (defined as having hard and dry stools or less than 3 bowel movements / week). Common causes of constipation are:

- Older adults.

- Pregnant women.

- Low fibre diet.

- Dehydration.

- Certain medication.

(b) Soluble fibre

This type of fibre dissolves in water and intestinal fluid to form a gel-like material and provides these benefits:

> Aids in weight management because the thick and spreadout gel helps to reduce the absorption of fat in our body hence help to maintain a healthy body weight.

> Lowers cholesterol by trapping the bad cholesterol and prevents the body from reabsorbing it. 

> Stabilizes blood sugar because it reduces the absorption of carbo or glucose hence reduces glucose spikes after meals.

> By maintaining healthy weight, reducing cholesterol and stablising blood sugar, it helps to reduce cardiovascular risk.

> Being a gel-like material that cannot be digested in the small intestines, it's fermented by the healthy gut bacteria in the colon, thereby feeding them.

(c) Digestion Resistant Maltodextrin

Digestion resistant maltodextrin cannot be digested by the small intestine. It's fermented by gut bacteria in the colon and produces beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate. Hence it's health enhancing. 

The benefits of Resistant Maltodextrin include:

> Enhances gut health.

> Increases satiation and reduces food intake.

> Reduces fat absorption.

> Maintains healthy blood sugar level and doesn't cause blood sugar spikes after consumption.

Note: Digestible maltodextrin increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and other health issues as it has high GI value and causes blood sugar spikes after consumption. 

Benefits of Jia Hor Fibre

1. Improves gastrointestinal health

Promotes regular bowel movements & reduces accumulation of toxins in the intestinal tract ~ reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

2. Aids in blood glucose control

Improves blood glucose metabolism & reduces glucose spike after meals ~ helps control blood sugar and prevents complications of diabetes.

3. Lowers serum cholesterol

Water soluble fibre helps absorb cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels ~ reduces LDL cholesterol and risk of arteries hardening.

4. Maintains healthy gut microbiome

Adequate dietary fibre (20-30g) encourages the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and reduce harmful bacteria ~ preserves the vitality of intestinal tract.

5. Maintains healthy bodyweight

Provides sense of fullness ~ ideal for controlling weight.

How to Consume?

> Recommended usage: 3-4 sachets daily.

> Mix with 300ml of warm water, fruit juices, milk or other drinks.

(Source: SH seminar, 22/7/2023)

How to Order? 

A box of 20 sachets of Jia Hor Fibre costs RM90 for Malaysian members.

Click on this link to register and then you can proceed with your order.

Email me at if you need help. I am an Authorised Distributor.