The products launched in Malaysia were:
- YKB ("Fu Jian" Lingzhi) - mainly for Bones.
- YKK ("Shen Ji" Lingzhi) - mainly for Kidney.
In Singapore, these products were launched:
- YKI ("Zen Pin" Lingzhi) - mainly for Immune system.
Difference between Target and Basic Lingzhi
What are the main differences between Target Lingzhi and Basic Lingzhi?
(i) Raw material used.
(ii) Processing method.
(iii) Effectiveness and speed of recovery.
To manufacture Basic Lingzhi, the entire fruiting body is used, and the processes it goes through are Drying, Coarse crushing, Extraction, Concentration and Quick drying/freezing, before the final product is obtained.
For Target Lingzhi, the raw material is Liquid Fermentation Mycelium (not fruiting body). It is put through the processes of Drying, Extraction (specific high efficiency ingredient drying), Separation, Purification and Quick drying/freezing to arrive at the final product. This process increases the effectiveness of Lingzhi, where the higher concentration and purity level of ganoderic acid will give results that are more effective and quicker.
Uses of Target Lingzhi v. Basic Lingzhi
Basic Lingzhi - as the whole fruit body is used, the effective components are many but in smaller quantity. It is better for general use, especially for people who don't know exactly which body organ is unwell or what diseases they may have. In other words, it's for general health maintenance, protection and prevention purpose. The duration will be longer and dosage will be higher.
Eg. liver cancer patients need to take 1 bottle/day to start seeing results.
Target Lingzhi - if a specific health problem is identified, then it's better to take Target Lingzhi as the speed of recovery is faster (quickly solves the problem) and improvement effect is much better. In other words, because of its specific functions, Target Lingzhi is a better option as it achieves faster and more effective results in a shorter span of time.
Special Features of Target Lingzhi
1. Contains key ingredients with higher concentration and higher purity.
Hence it's faster to see effective results.
2. Proven effectiveness with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) accreditation.
GLP is a legal term referring to the practice of using a standardised set of guidelines to generate reproducible results that can be validated by replicating experimental conditions.
It is recognised globally. The experiments are done using actual Target Lingzhi, thus giving consumers more confidence on the product.
3. Patents obtained for manufacturing process and product ingredients.
Eg. YKI can treat high blood glucose problem, YKK can improve kidney functions etc.
Because of this proven effectiveness, this Lingzhi has been positioned as targeted to be used to address specific problems.
4. Accumulated many clinical testimonies.
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