Competitive Edge of Yung Kien Pollen - Presentation by Ms Yu-Chi Cheng

Sunday, 17 February 2019

In our daily diet, we need to consume a combination of legumes, vegetables, meat and fish in order to get all the different nutrients such as carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, phytochemical, coenzymes, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. The good news is all these are available in Bee Pollen. 

The nutrients play different roles, thus they are all needed in order to work together holistically. Refer to the table above for the functions of each category of nutrients. Lack of nutrients can cause inflammation. So it is very important to ensure that the body has sufficient nutrients to maintain its health.

Why is Bee Pollen considered the best source of nutrients?
Because it contains all the nutrients needed by the body.
It is easy to replenish and low in calories.
It is easy to absorb and utilised by the body.

The table above shows a comparison between Bee Pollen and synthetically manufactured multi-vitamins. You will notice there is a big difference in the nutrients availability. Further, due to climate warming, there is lesser and lesser natural bee pollinated pollen, making it even more precious. Manufactured multi-vitamins are cheap because the raw materials can be easily sourced and are low in cost.

Uniqueness of Yung Kien Pollen

Yung Kien Pollen is a top notch choice because it is very safe and has high bio-availability, unlike fruits and vegetables which may contain pesticides and herbicides, and one needs to take in different colours and sufficient quantity in order to get all the nutrients.

Yung Kien Pollen is natural and safe:

a) Natural, meaning the source is not fabricated or mixed with other ingredients, nor contains any preservatives. Hence the expiry duration is about 1 year (from the time of manufacture). However, even if the pollen has passed the expiry date by 6-8 months, as long as the colour doesn't change, it can still be safely consumed.

b) Safe, meaning it is safe to consume and does not give any side effects or burden the kidney and liver. There is no dosage problem.

Here, I summarise 4 of the unique features of Yung Kien Pollen:

1. Source

Yung Kien Pollen comes from a reliable and quality source in Europe. It is from a pollution free region near the Mediterranean Sea in Europe.

Bees are dying massively nowadays due to climate changes caused by global warming, destruction of bees' habitats, radiation that interfere with the bees' ability to navigate, overuse of pesticides, diseases etc. The cost of quality pollen production becomes higher.

By comparison, certain pollen from China or Myanmar is very cheap because it is mass-produced and antibiotics is used.
In order to reduce the bees' vulnerability to diseases, some farmers put antibiotics in the water which the bees drink. These antibiotics are transferred to the pollen that they transport from the flowers. During the processing stage, as the antibiotics cannot be removed, these pollen contain antibiotics.

What are the problems that arise from taking pollen which contain antibiotics?
Antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the colon. The consequence is you will easily get allergy issues (asthma, eczema, sneezing, runny nose), constipation etc. Other symptoms include diarrhoea, very smelly stools, bloatedness and indigestion. Over long-term of taking antibiotics, you may find that your digestive system changes e.g. you used to be able to eat spicy food without problem, but now you may get diarrhoea.

2. Safety and Hygiene

This relates to the sterilisation process. It comprises of 3 stages.

Stage 1
At the time of export from Europe, the raw pollen has undergone stringent tests on whether it contains any of the more than 30 types of antibiotic and anti-bacterial drugs.  If it does, it will be rejected.

Cancer, Bacteria and Virus

There are 3 types of death-threatening allergens:
(a) cancer cells
(b) bacteria
(c) virus.

How do they attack our body?

Cancer cells

A cancer cell has an "antenna" that taps into the nutrients of the good cells, which will then die of starvation. Cancer cells continue to grow and expand. This explains why the organs of cancer patients start to fail, when the good cells weaken and become unable to perform. When cancer cells multiply, they take up a lot of space of the good cells and bodily functions deteriorate over time.

There are 4 stages of cancer growth:
Stage 1 - Cancer cells are localised.
Stage 2 - Still localised but begins to expand its territory.
Stage 3 - Multiply and envelope the surrounding organs.
Stage 4 - Spread to the whole body.

Take an example of lung cancer:
Stage 1 - Cancer cells are within the lung itself, about 1-2 cm. Sometimes such a small size cannot be detected during routine medical checkups. So don't think that you do not have cancer cells just because nothing shows up in the medical report.
Stage 2 - The tumour size of 2-3 cm still won't cause much harm to the body, unless it presses on the respiratory tract, where you will have difficulty breathing.
Treatment is most effective during these 2 early stages.
Stage 3 - Spread to surrounding organs like liver or stomach.
Stage 4 - Spread to distant organs i.e. brain and colon.


Bacteria release toxins which kill the good cells.
They multiply in numbers but do not tap into the nutrients of good cells (unlike cancer cells).


Virus goes into the good cells and hide inside. They alter the DNA of the good cells and use the DNA to replicate themselves i.e. it dominates the cells. Once the DNA of the good cells is used up, the good cells die.

What is the body's mechanism of defending itself?
The WBCs is our biggest defence system, comprising of many sub-categories.
It fights one against one. When it kills the pathogens, it also dies.
If you have sufficient WBC, your body's healing ability is very fast.
If you have lesser WBC, it takes longer time to heal.

Common ways of fighting pathogens include chemo / radiotherapy, antibiotics and anti-viral drugs.
The problem is doctors are not able to diagnose the exact cause. They rely on blood tests.
Antibiotics / anti-viral drugs are specific - meaning a particular type of antibiotics is only effective for a specific bacteria / virus. Unfortunately, the blood test results can take up to several weeks before it is available. By then, the pathogen could have mutated. The medicine prescribed is no longer effective. This can lead to cases of misdiagnosis.

Stage 2
Before being received by Shuang Hor factory in Taiwan, it goes through stringent tests on 300 types of pesticides and antibiotics. Failure of any of these tests means the batch of pollen will be rejected.

Pollen that pass the tests go through the sterilisation process, to kill the bacteria and virus. This is a very difficult process to manage because one has to balance 2 points:

(i) Maintain the wholesome nutrients in the original form.
The nutrients include 16 types of vitamins, 16 types of minerals, 94 types of enzymes and coenzymes, 21 types of amino acids and 28 types of nucleic acids. The vitamins and enzymes are very heat-sensitive and will be destroyed if the temperature is too high.

(ii) Ensure it is free from virus and bacteria.
However, it has to be balanced to make sure the temperature is not too low, which cannot kill the pathogens.

In Japan, there were 21 companies that supply pollen (at the time the data was gathered). Only 3 factories fulfil these 2 criteria. Shuang Hor is one of them. It is difficult for foreign products to penetrate into Japanese market because of its high standards.

Stage 3
Before leaving the Shuang Hor factory, it goes through tests on the presence of heavy metal and micro-organisms.

All these tests set Yung Kien Pollen apart from many bee pollen products available in the market and give consumers the peace of mind to consume at high dose over long-term.

3. Free from Antibiotics

Yung Kien Pollen is completely free from antibiotics and thus can be consumed in high dose, even by cancer patients.

4. Fulfils TQF (Taiwan Quality Food) Accreditation 

Usually only drug manufacturing companies will apply for GMP status. It is divided into Class A, B and C, depending on the standard of compliance. Shuang Hor doesn't need to apply but it still did so to signify that its standard is as high as those for drugs.

Click onto this article if you want to know the detailed process involved in such an application:

Now the Taiwan government has upgraded the standard to TQF. It is even stricter than GMP. This means that apart from having a production line that is clean and hygienic, the officers examine every nook and corner of the factory, including checking on the packaging etc to ensure that they also meet the hygiene criteria. As Shuang Hor had already handled its products and systems according to the high TQF standard, when the government upgraded the requirements, it was not an issue for Shuang Hor.

Click here for more info on TQF certification:

Another certification that Shuang Hor obtains is from JHFA (Japan Healthfood Association).
It is an organisation set up by consumers. Food has to be approved by it before the Ministry of Health considers granting the license to allow the products to be imported.

Functions of Pollen

One of the major benefits of Pollen is helping us to digest and metabolise food. In order for the food to be fully digested and utilised, it needs the presence of vitamins, minerals and enzymes + coenzymes together. A lot of people have digestion problems because the food they consume do not have these 3 ingredients together. We tend to eat cooked food; and during the cooking process, many of these 3 ingredients are destroyed.

Some symptoms of poor digestion:

- Bad complexion
- Skinny structure and more boney near the neck/ shoulder area
- Stools look watery and greenish or even sometimes you will see whole undigested veggies
- Unexplained shoulder pain.

To help improve digestion (small intestines), you can massage the meridian point on the side of the palm. When digestion improves, the pain at the back of the shoulder will also go away (same meridian points). Also pay attention to heart health as small intestines and heart meridian points are linked, meaning people with poor digestion tend to have weaker heart.

Thus, not only does Yung Kien Pollen helps improve your digestive health, it also improves your heart function.

The nutrients contained in pollen is something our body requires. For someone,who wants to do a short fast, you can consume 6 sachets Yung Kien Pollen + 3 sachets Jia Hor Soya Protein + 3 sachets Jia Hor Fiber a day.

Pollen is helpful for anaemic people. For the bone marrow to manufacture RBC, it requires a lot of nutrients such as iron, vitamin B group like folic acid etc.

(Source: Shuang Hor seminar 10 Dec 2018) 

Please email to order Yung Kien Pollen. I am the Authorised Distributor.