Bits & Bites #168 - Testimonies: Diabetes, Lymph Nodes and Thyroid

Sunday 2 April 2017

Locker & Loft
Email if you are looking for a safe solution to solve your diabetic, thyroid and lymph nodes problems.

Testimony: Diabetics with Wound on Toe

Ms L's friend, who works as a confinement lady, has a brother who is diabetic. When the slippers he wore caused a blister on his second toe, he went to the hospital to have it cleaned. After 1 month, the blister had become a hole right through the toe. The wound was infected by bacteria which ate through his bone. The doctor said it has to be amputated.
He applied Jia Hor Lingzhi powder directly to the wound. The colour of his skin turned lighter from the earlier blackish colour, and the wound started to dry up.
At the same time, he consumed 12 capsules Jia Hor Lingzhi + 24-26 capsules Yung Kien Pollen + 1 sachet Jia Hor Fiber everyday.
After 1 week, the wound shrank even smaller and the skin returned to reddish colour.
He stopped going to the hospital but instead cleansed the wound himself and continued to apply Lingzhi powder on the wound.
After another 2-3 weeks, he experienced further improvement.

Vertigo reaction - his sugar level went down very low for awhile. His sister made some glucose water for him to drink to bring up the sugar level. He also managed his dietary intake carefully.
During the time, they noticed a bone protruding out from the toe, which his sister pulled out for him. It didn't cause him pain and he could still move his toes. However, they noticed that the wound seemed to heal faster following that incident.
After 3 months, he didn't need to take insulin anymore, the oral medication has been cut down from twice to once a day and he continues to take 12 capsules Lingzhi a day.


Testimony: High Blood Sugar and Lingzhi

Ms L's 70 year old friend has high blood sugar level of around 8 mol/L. After taking medicine, the blood sugar level would drop to around 6 mmol/L and then would fluctuate up again, i.e. it's not stable.
She started to consume 3 capsules Jia Hor Lingzhi + 5 capsules Yung Kien Pollen a day. At the same time, she also changed her dietary habits. After 3 boxes of Jia Hor Twinpack (2-3 months), her blood sugar level dropped to 5-6 mmol/L and became very consistent. She is very happy with the result.


Testimony: Lymph Node Infection on Groin Area of 3 Year Old Girl

Ms B's 3 year old niece had a lymph node infection around her groin area. It was very painful. All the 3 doctors they consulted advised it should be operated on. Instead, Ms B mixed Jia Hor Lingzhi + Greenzhi Toothgel + Aquasense Hydrating Toner into a paste and applied it on the lump. Prior to application, the whole area was swollen and red. At night, she consumed 2 sachets Vitaking collagen. The next morning, the swelling on the surrounding area had subsided with only a smaller lump left.
Over the next 3 days, she consumed 1 sachet Vitaking in the morning and another at night. The swelling reduced further.
Following that, she was fed 1 sachet Vitaking a day and continued to apply the paste mix.
The whole thing fully subsided after 2 weeks.
She didn't need to undergo operation after all. If she had, the cost could be high and the recovery process and how smooth is the healing would be uncertain.


Testimony: Swollen Lymph Nodes and Suspected Blood Cancer

 A 13-year old girl with swollen lymph nodes was put on a 5-day antibiotic course. The swelling did not subside so the parents took her to Selayang Hospital. The blood test showed that her white blood cell count was only 2,870 WBC/mcL (normal range is 4,500-10,000).  One cause of lower than normal WBC count is viral infection (high WBC count can be due to attacks by bacteria). The antibiotics fed to her may kill her WBCs thereby lowering the WBC count further. Also, the antibiotics may create some immune system disorder (whereby Th1 and Th2 become not balanced) and the attacks by Th2 will cause her WBC to drop further. In many instances, the doctor will misdiagnose this as blood cancer.

Over the next few days, she was fed with antibiotics and painkillers. These 2 meds gave her gastric pain. The pain will likely trigger fever. True enough, her body temperature raised to 38'C. So, the doctor pumped her with more antibiotics and painkillers. Her stomach became even more painful. When Mr P visited her in the hospital, he advised that she mix 2 sachets Jia Hor Soya Protein into 300 ml warm water, shake (not stir) thoroughly and immediately drink. After 5-10 minutes, take 2-3 sachets Yung Kien Pollen and 2-3 sachets Lactoberry, washed down with room temperature water. At the same time, do the 2-knuckle rub on the chest. Don't lie down horizontally as it may cause reflux. She burped a lot and felt much more comfortable after.

Taking too much antibiotics kill good bacteria, leaving behind too much bad bacteria in the colon, which can cause diarrhoea. Too much diarrhoea can cause the lips to dry up and crack. Diarrhoea will cause dehydration, which can result in the WBC count to drop further and body temperature unable to come down. In such situation, drink a lot of water to rehydrate. It can help to reduce the temperature. Also drink a lot of Luchun Lingzhi Tea or barley. The girl recovered after 2-3 days and was discharged on the 4th day. At the end of the day, the medical report only showed that she suffers from hypothyroidism. No other cause can be identified.

An interesting phenomenon to note is if you take high dose of 20 capsules Lingzhi when you have high fever, you won't feel cold and shivering. And neither will you feel great discomfort from the fever. The high temperature could be simply the body raising the temperature to kill the pathogens.


Testimony: Abnormal Thyroid and Swelling Around the Neck

Ms S has a friend, 45, who does freelance accounting work. Her work is very stressful. She suffered from abnormal thyroid problem. It's a general swelling on both sides of her throat, a form of thyroid that is neither hyper nor hypo, where the accumulation of water / air made the neck area swell. It's likely caused by stress and hormone imbalance.

She took a herbal remedy prescribed by a sinseh. But after many months, there was no improvement.
She underwent hormone therapy as prescribed by a clinic. It was costly and also didn't work.
She tried e-Excel products for 3 months. There was no effect at all and she spent more than RM3,000.
She took up qi gong for a course of 10 lessons costing RM900. It didn't work.
The swelling got more severe. The doctors in Gleneagles hospital said it is her choice whether she want to undergo surgery. The swelling should subside after the water is removed, but it will relapse.

When she went for holidays in Japan, she took along antibiotics and 1 box Lactoberry + 1 box Yung Kien Pollen. After she came back, she felt that perhaps Yung Kien Pollen has helped her a lot during the holidays.

Meantime, her father who is undergoing kidney dialysis takes 1 bottle Yung Kien Ganoderma a day. He observed a lot of improvement. Encouraged by that, she decided to take (4 capsules Jia Hor Lingzhi + 6 capsules Yung Kien Pollen) x 2 times a day. After 1 month, the swelling has subsided to only about 5% of the original condition.

Las Vacas
Email if you are looking for a safe solution to solve your diabetic, thyroid and lymph nodes problems.

Click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.

Have an awesome day!