Ganoderma Magazine: Study of Lingzhi in Regulation of Blood Cell Production and Overcoming Blood Related Diseases

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Email for free consultation or to buy Lingzhi to manage your blood-related diseases - anaemia, thalassemia, haemorrhage and leukaemia. 

This article is put together from a seminar that highlighted various issues on Lingzhi and Blood-Related Diseases, which in turn is taken from Ganoderma Magazine 2015 issue 68. This Bulletin is published in Taiwan and updates readers on the contribution of Lingzhi / Ganoderma to our health.


Our blood is formed in our bone marrow. There are many types of blood cells in our body. The Hematopoetic stem cells are the cells that give birth to our blood cells. Mainly, there are 3 types of blood cells:

a) Red blood cells (RBC).

b) White blood cells (WBC) - our immune system. The WBCs further differentiate to different kinds of immune cells (including neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, T-cells, B-cells etc) where the thymus and spleen play a role in the formation and differentiation of the WBCs.

c) Platelets - aggregate around open wounds to stop the bleeding. Our kidney and liver produce a hormone called Thrombopoeitin (TPO) to help our stem cells to differentiate to form platelets.

Some Trivia Info
  • About 7% of our body weight is made up of blood. For example if you're 50 kg, you will have about 3,500 cc of blood in your body. If you have less than that, then you may be anaemic.
  • The lifespan of RBC is about 120 days.
  • Most of the iron in our body is in the hemaglobin.
  • Most of the iron needed to form the RBC is recycled. When the old RBC die, our body breaks down the RBC, gets back the iron and uses it to build a new RBC. Only very little iron comes from food intake.
  • It's not advisable to simply buy iron pills as supplement because that may burden your body.
Common Blood Diseases

1. Anemia
These people look pale, tend to have dizzy spells, faint easily and are usually females. This is because they have low RBC count. One of the functions of RBC is to carry the oxygen from our lungs to circulate throughout our body. Due to the low RBC level, less oxygen is carried, resulting in the appearance of such symptoms.

2. Thalassemia
This is usually genetic. The haemoglobin in the RBC is abnormally shaped, like sickles.

3. Hemorrhage
This happens due to low platelet count. Unlike external bleeding where we can see, when there's internal bleeding and our body is unable to produce sufficient platelets, then haemorrhage happens. It can be fatal.

4. Leukemia
One reason is the bone marrow forms abnormal WBC which don't perform the functions they are supposed to perform. Another reason is the amount of WBC produced is excessive.

The Role of Lingzhi - Scientific Research

1. Researches by Uni of Bangladesh and Uni of Haifa, Israel

Both these universities have done research on the efficacy of Lingzhi in terms of its effect in helping RBC formation.
Findings: Lingzhi is able to increase the level of GSH (a very powerful anti-oxidant) in our body. When GSH is increased, it is found that our RBCs are able to survive longer. GSH protects our RBC, reduces the attacks of free radicals (FR) on RBC, thereby increasing the RBCs count.

Anti-oxidants help us to catch the FRs in our body. FRs are produced as and when we breath. We create more FRs if we're under stress, don't have enough sleep, feel too sad, eat too much fried food, meat, seafood, sugar etc.  One of the functions of the anti-oxidants in our body is to neutralise these FRs so that the FRs don't damage all our body cells. Our body is able to neutralise normal levels of FRs. But nowadays because of the environment and our lifestyle, we create more FRs resulting in our anti-oxidants having to work extra hard in order to maintain a good level of health.

For those with anaemic condition, not only is there not enough RBCs in their body; their RBCs also tend to die younger. So by taking Lingzhi, it is able to help their low level of RBCs to sustain longer, so that the ability to have sufficient oxygen to circulate in the body is improved.

For thalassemia patients, the lifespan of the RBCs are shorter than normal. Even if they speed up the generation of new RBCs, their RBCs will still die faster. As Lingzhi is able to reduce the attacks of FRs and protect our RBCs, this means their RBCs are also able to survive longer. Even though they are still thalassemic, they suffer from less symptoms.

2. Research by National Taiwan University Centre of Genomic Medicine in collaboration with Wan Fang Hospital, Taiwan

This research tests the effect of Lingzhi on the differentiation of blood cells into platelets. 
Findings: Lingzhi has a similar effect as Thrombopoeitin (TPO) hormone, which helps our stem cells to differentiate platelets

This is especially crucial for cancer patients who are undergoing chemo because their platelet recovery rate is very slow. Because of that, they face a higher risk of dying due to haemorrhage. If your platelet count is low and you take Lingzhi, you may not need to wait for your TPO to be sufficient in order for you to have sufficient platelets. Lingzhi has similar effect, i.e. able to help our stem cells to quickly differentiate out more platelets to reduce the chance of death due to haemorrhage. This increases the survival chance of these patients.

3. Research by a pharmaceutical hospital in China with David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

This research is on the efficacy of Lingzhi on leukaemia.
Findings: Lingzhi is able to inhibit the growth and induce apoptosis of cancer cells.
Lingzhi is tested on 16 types of leukemia and it was found there are 6 types of leukaemia that Lingzhi is especially effective in reducing the growth of cancer cells, causing them to die faster and improve the condition of the RBCs and WBCs after chemo and radiotherapy. In other words, only very low dose of Lingzhi is sufficient to give the required efficacy.

Some Symptoms of Blood-Relatead Diseases include:
  • For pre-leukaemia stage, the person has high on-going fever.
  • Severe headache
  • Cold sweat coupled with fever
  • Weak
  • Period pain or irregular period with a lot of blood clots
  • Dizziness or fainting spells when doing vigorous exercise or standing up suddenly
  • Blur vision
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cannot focus, short attention span
  • Stunted growth as not sufficient blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to circulate throughout the body to nourish the cells for them to grow
  • Easily infected by pathogens as WBCs count can be low
  • Pale

Case 1 - Suspected Pre-leukemia

A lady was 21-year when she was diagnosed with the symptoms mentioned above. She had abnormally high WBCs at 1,000 times higher than the normal level. She's suspected to be at pre-leukaemia stage. She also had a lot of other symptoms e.g. cannot focus, cannot control her limbs, no feelings when chewing food (initially suspected as Parkinson Disease). She suffered through a lot of tests including testing her bone marrow but doctors still could not confirm what exactly was her problem.

Dosage: 2 capsules Lingzhi + 5 capsules Pollen each time, twice a day.
She stopped any further tests and medication after starting on Lingzhi / Pollen. After some time, her blood report showed normal readings and it has been normal since then. That was 14 years ago.

Case 2 - Pre-leukemia

A 39 year old lady also had on-going high fever that could not subside. After hearing about the testimony and because she had similar condition as the patient in Case 1, she started on Lingzhi etc as well.
Before she was diagnosed with pre-leukaemia, she had cervical cancer and underwent a lot of treatment already. Her diagnosis of pre-leukaemia was confirmed and she was waiting to do a bone marrow transplant.
Dosage in 2012: 11 Lingzhi + 10 Pollen + 2 Protein + 4 Calcium + 3 Probiotics a day.
Within a year, she's cleared of cancer cells, no longer a pre-leukaemia patient and her blood report is normal.

Case 3 - Low RBC Count

A 27 year old lady rejected Lingzhi initially when her father gave it to her because of the vertigo reaction (very severe period pain). But because of her condition, she re-started Lingzhi. Her RBCs count pre-Lingzhi was 7.9 g/dl (normal 12-15 g/dl). Before that, she took iron pills for 3 months. Her RBC count went up but still was not within the normal range. She also suffered a lot of side effects from the iron pills, including severe constipation.
Dosage: 4 Lingzhi + 4 Pollen + 5 Calcium a day.
After 4 months, her RBC count went up to 12.2 g/dl.

Case 4 - Thalassemia

A lady was diagnosed as thalassemia patient when she was 32 years old. In year 2000, she started to consume Lingzhi. 
Dosage: 2 Lingzhi + 5 Pollen a day.
3 months later she suffered a lot of healing crisis. At this time, she increased her dosage to 60 Lingzhi a day.
But after that, she felt a very obvious increase in energy level and improvement in physical health, as compared to the past when she used to feel very weak and lethargic.

She didn't know she had thalassemia prior to getting pregnant so when she gave birth to her son, he inherited her thalassemia.
Her son suffered from stunted growth, reaching a height of only 156 cm (average 165 cm). He had sinus, low energy level, cannot focus and cannot study well. His haemoglobin count was only 11.9 gm/mL (lowest level is 12.9 gm/mL to qualify to enlist in the army).

After taking Lingzhi, his condition improved. His height shot up to 174 cm and haemoglobin count increased to 14.1 gm/mL.

Conclusion based on Scientific Researches and Testimonies

Lingzhi has a very balanced and overall effect on our blood in terms of RBCs, WBCs and platelets, prolonging the lifespan of RBCs and normalising WBCs count. This is proven not only from scientific studies, but also evidenced by the many testimonies shared above.

(Source: Shuang Hor seminar 19 March 2016) 

Please email me at for free consultation or to buy Lingzhi to manage your Blood-Related Diseases. Click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price. I am an Authorised Distributor.