Bits & Bites #1 - Success: Quotes

Sunday 9 June 2013

When you're browsing through the news, do you sometimes come across snippets that are inspirational, enlightening or enriching? 

Something that brightens up your day, inspires you to take another look at your dreams, motivates you to take action or gives you hope? I Do!

I attend seminars and talks related to health and my business. Some speakers would impart some gems which make me go "Ahhh... that I must share with friends...".

So this is my platform - I am starting a weekly series on bits of mishmash on health, my business and life in general. This is the inaugural post..


Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. – Anthony Robbins

There are many ways to achieve your Goals and Dreams. Come take a look at Shuang Hor Business – it may not be what you’re looking for – but what if it IS?


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

When you have the Courage to do a difficult task often enough, it becomes a breeze when it becomes your Habit.


“The real secret to success is to get out there and work like hell.” - Frank Kern
Action is the foundational key to all success.” - Pablo Picasso
Believe that you will succeed - and you will.” – Dale Carnegie

There are many roads to success. Shuang Hor Business is a proven path. Come take a look for yourself.


What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” - Napoleon Hill

Focus on your Target, keep trying, climb up when you fall and try again, and keep up your confidence – you can definitely reach it.


"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." - Anthony Robbins

A proven way to see desired results from taking Shuang Hor products is to increase your dosage to Effective Level. Do it vigilantly every day, over a sufficient duration. You will surely see success in improving your health.

Fukuya, Jalan Delima

Email me at if you have questions or comments.
Have an awesome day!