Testimony 5: Inability to Conceive due to Thickening of Uterine Wall and Fallopian Tube Blockage

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

"Ganoderma Magazine" is a technical publication by the Microbiological Research Foundation of Taiwan. The magazine gives you more in-depth information on Lingzhi / Ganoderma research and its application on your body’s health. However, it is only available in Chinese language. Below is the English translation of a testimony on how Lingzhi has helped this couple who have difficulty conceiving.

Testimony 5: Successfully conceiving after 8 months of Lingzhi

Since young, Mdm Yap suffered from irregular menstrual cycle and had menstrual pain. Her husband already knew about Lingzhi when he was 19 years old due to an accident. Therefore, he advised her to take Lingzhi to regulate her health condition.

Dosage: 2 Lingzhi + 4 Pollen, 3 times a day.

Healing/vertigo reaction: she felt very sleepy.

Her menstrual cycle was slowly regulated and she experienced less menstrual pain. A month after her marriage, she had heavy menstruation and the doctor concluded that she had thickening of the uterine wall and fallopian tube blockage. Because of that, she had lower chances of getting pregnant. The couple accepted the advice to take Lingzhi.

Dosage: Mdm Yap took 2 Lingzhi + 4 Pollen, 3 times a day. Her husband took 1 Lingzhi + 1 Pollen.

After 8 months, Mdm Yap successfully conceived. During pregnancy, she increased her dosage to 4 Lingzhi + 5 Pollen, 3 times a day.

(Source: October 2010 issue of Ganoderma Magazine)

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