A 27 year old man suddenly suffered from waist pain and could not get out of bed. He visited the TCM, doing acupuncture and tui-na massage for a few months, but did not observe much improvement. The pain seriously affected his daily routine and work. From a blood test, the doctor diagnosed him to have gout problem with uric acid 9.9mg/dL. He did not want to take the painkillers prescribed and therefore decided to take up his friend's proposal of consuming Lingzhi as his treatment.
Dosage: 6 to 8 Lingzhi + 12 to 16 Pollen daily, and refrain from alcohol
Vertigo/healing reaction for 1 month: extreme fatigue and tiredness
After 1 year, his uric acid dropped to 7mg/dL. This is within normal range and there is no more reoccurrence of gout.
Daily maintenance dosage: 3 to 6 Lingzhi + 6 to 12 Pollen daily
Yearly scanning program: 20 Lingzhi + 40 Pollen daily for 1 month
(Source: January 2011 issue of Ganoderma Magazine)
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