The Amazing Disappearance of My Dad's Leg Allergy Problem

Thursday, 15 September 2011

About 2 months ago, the part of my Dad's leg between the knee and ankle got very itchy. He claimed it's an allergic reaction to some food he ate. He scratched and scratched - causing scabs on the wounds that didn't heal properly.

He applied all sorts of cream and lotion. It didn't help. He asked Mum to brew some herbal stuff bought from the neighborhood Chinese medicine / grocery shop. That seemed to work. But after awhile, the itchiness came back. He thought it was caused by the herbal stuff and refused to drink that anymore. That appeared to do the trick. But after a while, the irritating itch was back. And so it went, for a month or so, he suffered when the unwelcome visitor paid surprise visits every now and then..

Now, one fateful Sunday about a month ago, I overheard my parents talking.

Dad, "My leg is very itchy again. Get me that herbal thingy now.."
Mum, "I can't perform miracles. The chicken is still in the freezer. The stuff needs time to boil."
Dad, "It's very uncomfortable, I need to drink something, n-o-w.."
Mum, irritated, "Why don't you try some of that lingzhi? Maybe it works?"

Dad is a big skeptic, for many reasons. After viewing the Lingzhi Kingdom YouTube, Mr Disbeliever looked defiantly at me, "You sure it works? How much do I need to take? For how long?" But he's also a desperate man. So, after further explanations, "Okay, okay, give me 1 bottle."

On Tuesday evening, not even 3 days later, he came up to me, stuck his leg under my nose, "Look. It's cleared!" I gawped at him. "So fast?"

Yup. Now Dad is a skeptic no more. Lingzhi does work.

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