Exclusive: Seminar by Dr Hseu Ruey-Shyang: Part 4 - Government Definition of Lingzhi

Wednesday 4 January 2017

This is a continuation of Dr Hseu's lecture on "Lingzhi and Modern Medical Science"..

What is the precise definition of Lingzhi? What exactly does Lingzhi mean?

Dr Hseu had the opportunity to attend the 7th National Medicinal Fungus Convention held in Xiamen, China in 1998. It was called Medicinal Fungus, which was referring to fungus that have medicinal functions. This would include Lingzhi, cordyceps sinensis, Yun Zhi etc. However, three quarters of the thesis that were discussed during the convention were mainly focused on Lingzhi. Therefore, it can be seen that the level of importance attached to Lingzhi has not fallen since 1960s on applications to human body even until to-date. At the end of the convention, the final concrete conclusions drawn were announced by the Chairman - Lingzhi possess the following practical medicinal effects:

1) For cancer patients with tumour growth in their bodies when undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy, it can work as an auxiliary remedy. In other words, the incorporation of Lingzhi in radio or chemotherapy can help achieve better therapeutic results, more stable conditions of the patients, and even an increased chance of recovery and survival.


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