Another Use for Greenzhi Toothpaste: Healing of Wound on my Big Toe

Saturday, 7 April 2012

What Happened

The occasion was a wonderful birthday party for a group of "April babies". Lots of sumptuous food paired with free-flowing delectable wines. Everyone was mingling and moving around. Then it happened. The full force from the sharp spike of a girlfriend's 4-inch stiletto landed on my big toe. I felt a shooting pain, then nothing. I thought, ok, I'm fine, it's only a little scrape. Until 30 seconds later. Aarrgghhh.. the searing pain...

I limped to my chair. Peered at the damage. OMG! Even in the semi-dimness of the restaurant, I could see it was much worse than I thought. The blood was starting to flow out. Tissues tissues... Ouch oucchh ooucchhh... I spent the remaining of the night with my foot resting on another chair. Despite the incident, it was still a lovely night. Must be the wine..

The Remedy

I thoroughly cleansed off the grime and blood the instant I got home. Then I spread a big dollop of Greenzhi Toothpaste on the wound, bandaged it and went to sleep. I changed the dressing the next morning then went about my daily activities. No more limping. In the evening, another change of dressing.

The Day After

Hey check out my toe! Isn't it fantastic? The wound pretty much healed in less than 2 days. I am so pleased! The Neem Extract in this toothpaste did a superb job of reducing the inflammation caused by the injury, prevent further bleeding and lessen the pain.

Neem plant

About 2 months ago, just before Chinese New Year, the very same Greenzhi Toothpaste "rescued" me from another problem - sore throat. Click here to read about it.

Or email me at should you want to buy Greenzhi Toothpaste.
Click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.