Accreditations and Endorsements for Shuang Hor Lingzhi

Monday, 28 November 2011

In assessing whether a lingzhi/ganoderma is able to perform all the functions as claimed, it is crucial to look for third party or independent accreditations. Any company can make any sort of sensational claims on its own products. Are these claims substantiated and verified by any authority? If not, you should be able to form your opinion on the capability of the products.

Shuang Hor's Lingzhi has received certifications and validations from many credible parties over the years. Among them are:

1. Japan, Singapore and Malaysia
Shuang Hor's lingzhi is endorsed by many government ministries. It is certified by the Health Ministry of Malaysia, for it to be distributed in Malaysia. Shuang Hor also has approval from the Health Sciences Authority of Singapore. One of the main functions of this organisation is to ensure that health products available in Singapore meet appropriate and acceptable standards in quality, safety and efficacy, which Shuang Hor's lingzhi does.
Shuang Hor's lingzhi has also received endorsement from the Japan Health Food Association. This is something Shuang Hor is proud of because it is not easy for a foreign health product to penetrate into the Japanese market. Japan is a country which is well known to have high quality lingzhi, which it calls reishi. So, for the Japanese Health Food Association to endorse a similar product coming from another country is evidence that the product has met certain standards, which Shuang Hor's lingzhi does.

2. Ministry of Health, Taiwan

Shuang Hor's lingzhi (Yung Kien Ganoderma) has also been endorsed by the Health Ministry of Taiwan. Taiwan is one of the few countries, apart from Japan and China, to have enacted a Health Food Control Act. It was enacted in 1999 to enhance the management and supervision of matters relating to health food, protect the health of the people and safeguard the rights and interests of consumers.
Shuang Hor's lingzhi has received 2 very difficult-to-earn accreditations. The 1st one is Immuno-Regulatory Health Food Accreditation. Based on the results of experiments carried out on animals and in vitro (outside the body) tests, it has the functions as below: 
  • Helps promote the production of antibodies
  • Helps enhance the production of immune cells
  • Helps modulate the functions of T-cells
  • Helps promote the vitality of natural killer cells
  • Helps promote the vitality of phagocytes.

The 2nd one is on Liver Function Food Accreditation. Based on the results of animal tests, in which carbon tetrachloride was used to inflict damage on mouse liver, Shuang Hor's lingzhi has the functions as shown below: 
  • Helps reduce the indices of GOT and GPT. These are trans-aminase enzymes which are released by the liver if any of the liver cells die or are injured. If your GOT or GPT readings are high, that means that you have some form of injury or infection on your liver. Shuang Hor's lingzhi can repair those damaged cells.
  • Helps increase the protein content in the liver. This means Shuang Hor's lingzhi can help improve and increase the regenerating ability of your healthy liver cells.   
3. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
GMP are practices and systems required to be adapted in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The ultimate goals are safeguarding the health of the patient as well as producing good quality medicine, medical devices or active pharmaceutical products. Complying with GMP is a mandatory aspect in pharmaceutical manufacturing. 

However, lingzhi is a food, not a pharmaceutical product. Nevertheless, Shuang Hor has subjected itself to this stringent practices and complied with the GMP requirements. Shuang Hor company's Yung Kien Factory in Taiwan won the first certificate of Food GMP in lingzhi, authorised by the Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan. And thus Shuang Hor became the first professional lingzhi manufacturer with Food GMP recognition in the world.

4. ISO 9001:2008
Shuang Hor is accredited with the ISO 9001, version 2009 certificate of approval, demonstrating the factory's production management system is able to ensure the highest efficacy and safety standards. ISO 9001:2008 specifies the requirements for a quality management system, where an organization:
  • needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
  • aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
This is important to ensure that every bottle of lingzhi we purchase, from the first bottle to the 1,000th bottle to the next 1,000,000th bottle, are of stringent high quality.


Tri Neo Biotechbology's Analytical and Testing Centre is equipped with advanced mass spectrometers and can analyse and confirm the beneficial and active ingredients of Lingzhi with precision

Shuang Hor dedicates itself to the R&D of Lingzhi products with high effectiveness and strict quality controls. Towards this objective, it founded Tri Neo Biotechnology Lab in 2014 (more info in this link: ). Tri Neo lab received certification from TAF and complies with OECD GLP standards, reflecting its high standards, reliability and integrity.

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) - intergovernmental organisation consisting of 38 economically prosperous countries. OECD member countries developed the GLP standards in 1970 to provide lab practice consistency across all member countries, so as to build a trustable relationship which is helpful for believing the results of research amongst different countries' governments.

GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) standards - Ensures the credibility and validity of research via its requirement of strict operating standards and rules, including experimental planning, execution, supervision, record and report keeping, file management etc. By following GLP standards, labs can ensure the quality and integrity of experimental data, thereby enhancing the reproducibility and credibility of research results.

TAF (Taiwan Accredition Foundation) - an impartial, objective and independent third-party international accreditation body. Evaluates the technical competence of labs to determine whether labs comply with OECD GLP standards.

TAF is entrusted by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (highest inspection authority in Taiwan) to serve as the GLP compliance monitoring body. TAF regularly inspects labs for compliance with OECD GLP standards in order to ensure their long-term scientific excellence and credibility.

(Source: SH Magazine Sept 2023)

From the above, you would note that Shuang Hor's Lingzhi - Yung Kien Ganodermahas been accredited with many endorsements to certify its Effectiveness and Safety. If you want to try this high quality Lingzhi, please email me at askfuiping@gmail.comClick here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.