How to Diagnose your Health Status: The 7 Stages of Disease

Thursday 28 June 2012

Have you ever heard someone say, "I can't believe how he suddenly has liver cancer. He seems so healthy all these while." or "I'm so shocked to hear she has breast cancer. I just saw her the other day and she looked fine."

Diseases, especially cancer, never happens suddenly. There is usually much abuse we have put our body through for cancer to finally occur. Orthopathic proponents say there are 7 Stages of Disease our body goes through before arriving at the point of no return. The earlier we become aware of these warning signals and the faster we take action to address them, the better we can maintain our health.

What are these 7 Stages of Disease?

Stage 1 - Enervation
Stage 2 - Toxemia
Stage 3 - Irritation
Stage 4 - Inflammation
Stage 5 - Ulceration
Stage 6 - Induration
Stage 7 - Fungation (Cancer)

Stage 1 - Enervation

Enervation is depletion of energy. It is when not enough energy comes in, and too much energy goes out.

Energy is the essence of life. Our body needs 2 forms of energy to survive and carry out all its functions:
(a) Chemical energy, which comes from a healthy balanced diet. Food produces glucose, the energy source our body cells need.
(b) Vital/nerve energy, or chi, which comes from sunshine, clean water and fresh air.
To keep our energy up, we need to have enough rest and know how to manage our stress level.

There are 5 main areas where our body uses its energy:
- Thinking
- Movement
- Digestion
- Metabolism
- Elimination

When our body is not generating sufficient energy for its daily tasks, it becomes impaired and further diminishes its ability to restore the depleted energy. Our elimination process is the first to shut down. Our body becomes unable to clear out the toxic by-products of metabolism and residue of foods. These un-eliminated wastes accumulate in our body. Eventually, our body becomes overloaded with toxic materials. And this is what causes Toxemia.

Symptoms - tired, sluggish, feel sleepy, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea, does not feel our "normal self".

Stage 2 - Toxemia

Toxemia is accumulation of un-eliminated toxins.  Toxins come from 2 sources:
(a) Internal toxins - our own metabolism (which produces carbon dioxide) and bacteria from fermentation of undigested food.
(b) External toxins - food pesticide, chemical in air and water, medicines.

Our body recognizes this situation and attempts to rid itself of the toxins. Initially, the disease will be of the "acute" type. We may come down with a cold or flu.

Since our body is being prevented from maintaining internal cleanliness, it goes into the default mode of storing the un-eliminated toxins in order to prolong life. This storage of un-eliminated materials interferes with absorption of oxygen and nutrients by our cells and contributes to our internal pollution. Toxins starts to saturate the blood, lymph nodes and tissues of our body. Our body begins to degenerate and sink deeper into disease, resulting in the second type of disease called the "chronic" type, such as heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis.

Symptoms - feel more tired and sluggish, fever, flu, cold, runny nose.

Stage 3 - Irritation

The storage of waste products in our body hinders the assimilation of oxygen and nutrition into our cells. Our cells absorb a lot of water to dilute the waste/toxins that our body has accumulated. As our cells continue to be subjected to the lack of oxygen and food, as well as increased pressure from the water retention, they begin to send out pain signals.

Some warning signals are: itchy skin, nausea, jumpy feeling, prolonged nervousness, depression, anxiety and worry, frequent headaches, minor aches and pains, more difficulty falling asleep, putting on weight, coated tongue, bad breath, increased body odor, sallow complexion, dark circles under the eyes, irregular/heavier menstrual flow.

When the effects of enervation, toxemia and irritation are continuously ignored, the toxic residue builds to an even higher concentration, resulting in Stage 4 of disease.

Stage 4 - Inflammation

Inflammation is our body's most intense effort to cleanse and restore itself. We are alerted of the problem vide the warning signal of actual pain. This is a cleansing, healing mode as our body tries to repair itself. With inflammation, the toxins in our body system have usually been concentrated in a particular area for a massive elimination.

This area becomes inflamed and swollen due to the constant irritation from the toxic substances. The doctors are able to diagnose us with an "itis" problem (literally means "inflammation of") and give it a name:

Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
Esophagitis - inflammation of the throat
Appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix
Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver
Nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys
Arthritis - inflammation of the joints
Colitis - inflammation of the colon
Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes
Gastritis - Inflammation of the stomach
Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin
Carditis - inflammation of the heart
Ileitis - inflammation of the small intestines

Fever and inflammation are our body's crisis response to a life-threatening situation. It is evidence of increased and intense body activity directed at cleansing and repair. Fever is a healing activity. Unfortunately, when doctors suppress this healing symptom with drugs, it adds to the already high level of toxicity in our body, resulting in the next stage of disease.

Stage 5 - Ulceration

Our body has been exposed to a lot of toxins for such a long time that massive number of cells and tissue have being destroyed. Our body, in sensing the need to eliminate the accumulated toxins, forms an ulcer (eg. an opening on the skin) as an outlet to rid itself of toxins. This condition is often very painful because there are exposed nerves. The ulcer will heal when the level of toxemia is sufficiently lowered, and the poisons and toxins have been discharged out.

Modern medicine views ulcers as negative and applies cream, lotion, antibiotics etc in an attempt to stop and heal the ulcers, never realizing what this physiological process is demonstrating, i.e. its the body's natural way to expel the toxic substance out.

So, an ulcer can be viewed as a consequence of body degeneration, or the action by our body to prolong life and maintain its remaining health.

Stage 6 - Induration

Induration is the thickening and hardening of the tissues when our body attempts to protect itself. The toxic material is ring-fenced in a sack of hardened tissue, to stop it from spreading freely throughout our body. This hardened tissue is known by names such as tumor, growth or fibroid. The formation of "water blisters", corn or callous are also forms of induration.

Induration is the last stage when the body can still control its cells. If we take corrective measures and change our habits, then the warnings throughout these 6 stages will stop. But if we continue to ignore the warning signals and let the poisoning continue, our cells will become parasitic.

Stage 7 - Fungation / Cancer

This is the final point of the long development of disease and it is usually fatal. In a healthy person, each groups of cells perform their respective functions to benefit our body as a whole. However, when our internal conditions have deteriorated to the extent that normal aerobic process is no longer possible, the cells change and start to survive by anaerobic process.

For example, the plane you're in crashes in a place where there is no food. You want to remain alive. You may end up eating your fellow passengers in order to continue surviving.

Likewise, our cells multiply haphazardly in an unorganized manner. They live in a toxic environment without oxygen and no longer can be controlled by our brain. They become parasitic, living off whatever nutrients they can obtain in order to survive, yet contributing nothing to our body in return. They have turned into cancer cells.


So, there you have it - the 7 Stages of Disease is how you can diagnose the status of your health.

Cancer is the expected consequence of toxemia, unless we get rid of the toxins and slowly expose our mutated cells to oxygen and convert them back to normal cells. In other words, when we supply our body with high quality nutrients, increase its vitality, lower the level of toxins, our body can begin to repair and rebuild.

During the healing process, the toxic waste matter will be stirred up and return to the bloodstream to be eliminated from the body. It is not comfortable, but is a necessary process for healing to occur. Do not suppress it by taking drugs. Be patient and give it time to go through the process. Our state of health will retrace backward the same path that leads us to the disease in the first place.


Any Recommended Solution?

Lingzhi / ganoderma together with Bee pollen have the ability to help our body open up all our channels of elimination to detoxify and eliminate these toxins, rebuild and repair damaged cells, revitalise dormant cells and regenerate the growth of new cells.

Lingzhi and Pollen help strengthen our organs, enhance our immune system and clear blockages in our blood vessels (which no western medication can do). Hence Lingzhi and Pollen have a crucial role to play to help our body heal and reverse back to a healthy state.

Do you want to wait until you have cancer before you take action? If your answer is No, please email me now at to purchase Lingzhi and Pollen to address your health conditions.
Click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.

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Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate

Tuesday 26 June 2012

As men pass 40 years of age, there's a tendency for their prostate gland to enlarge - a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It's extremely common, and something you have to live with forever if it's mild.

The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut. It's situated just below the bladder, and goes around the urethra (the tube that carries your urine from the bladder out).

What are the functions of prostate?

1) It makes a type of fluid that helps nourish the sperm, comprises 20% to 30% of the semen, and is alkaline (to neutralise the acidity of the vagina).
2) It contains smooth muscles to help expel the semen during ejaculation.

Why does the prostate gland enlarge when men get older?

What happens when a man age is that multiple nodules made out of fibre and soft tissue start to grow in the prostate gland, making the canal of the urethra grow progressively smaller. This is stimulated by testosterone. The urine flow then slowly becomes obstructed, and may cause the bladder to get distended.

In the early stage of prostate enlargement, the bladder muscle becomes thicker and forces urine through narrowed urethra by contracting more powerfully. As a result, the bladder muscle may become more sensitive, causing a need to urinate more often and more suddenly. In extreme cases, the distension of the bladder and back obstruction can spread up to the ureters (the tubes connecting the kidney to the bladder) and even to the kidneys.

In some cases, blockage from prostate enlargement may cause repeated urinary tract infections and gradually result in bladder or kidney damage.

How do you know if you have enlarged prostate gland

  • Tendency to pee more often e.g. waking up frequently during sleep (urinary frequency)
  • Feeling of having to go immediately to the toilet (urinary urgency)
  • Difficulty to urinate (hesitancy)
  • Take a long time to urinate and the stream is interrupted frequently
  • Strain to urinate, which may rupture the urethra and cause bleeding into the urine
  • Complete inability to urinate (urinary retention).

BPH is not a tumor and will not develop into prostate cancer. However, the symptoms of BPH could mimic that of prostate cancer, so it's wise to seek medical attention when such symptoms are experienced.

Big prostates by Dr Y.L.M, Star2, 13 June 2012

Do you want to discover simple and effective solutions on how to prevent urinary tract infections and protect your kidney? To buy, email me at Click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.

For urinary tract infections, read Probiotics: The Benefits and Special Features
For kidney protection, read Early Symptoms of Kidney Disease

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A Safe Way To Manage Eczema

Thursday 21 June 2012

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin that receives a fair amount of media coverage, yet there's still a lot of misconception. For instance, people blame food as the cause of itchy skin. Food allergies can coexist in someone with eczema, but it doesn't mean food is the cause of eczema.

Eczema gives rise to intense discomfort, making the skin red, inflamed, dry, flaky and very itchy. Scratching damages the skin, allows penetration and colonisation of bacteria on the outer layer of the skin, making it sensitive to chemical impact and allergens. The secretion of bacteria on the skin can further add to the pain that results in further swelling, intense itching and infection.

Eczema has a genetic dimension to it - if a parent has it, chances are high the child will also have it.

A conventional way to manage eczema is using topical steroid cream. A paediatric dermatologist from the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital cautions that people should not self-medicate on steroids.  There are dangers in self-medication with steroids as some pharmacists don't even ask whether the steroid is for adult of child, or whether the application is for face or hand etc. Super strong steroids can lead to skin-thinning, rendering the skin vulnerable to further environmental and biological assaults.

Triggers of Eczema Flare-ups

1) Build-up of stale sweat, which can be prevented by frequent showers.
2) Soaps or cleansers that are overly harsh on the skin.
3) Long soaks in the hot tub.
4) Environmental factors eg. dust mites in the home.

As far as atopic eczema management is concerned, the said dermatologist is skeptical about the value of allergy tests to determine what one is allergic to. Allergy testing can be misleading because someone may have an allergic reaction to a food that is not responsible for the eczema flare-up. Atopic eczema is not like the usual occupationally-derived eczema. For instance, if dust mites are the allergen, you can only partially reduce the dust mite population, but you can never remove it completely.

The bad news is, eczema cannot be healed by a "magic pill" once and for all. However, if you are in your early childhood, the good news is that 70% of you will eventually "outgrow" this condition. Otherwise, even though you cannot be cured, it can still be managed satisfactorily.

(Source: Busting Eczema Myths, StarFit4Life, 10 June 2012)

Is There a Safe Option to Manage Eczema?

Scientific researches have shown that ganoderma (lingzhi) has the ability to modulate the functions of our T-Cells (part of our immune system) and as such, regulate the immune system's over-reaction. This is able to effectively improve the eczema condition.

For more info, please click on this link for the article on How Ganoderma Modulates Our Immune System. Look under the section "Second Line Defence: T Cells".

Please email me at on how to purchase Yung Kien Ganoderma, a highly recommended solution to manage your eczema problem. Click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.

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Guest Blog: Serious Side Effects of Diabetes Medications

Friday 15 June 2012

The majority of the 25 million people with diabetes in the United States treat their condition with oral medications. Oral drugs are usually used to help people with type 2 diabetes make better use of the insulin their bodies still produce. People with type 2 diabetes make up about 95 percent of diabetes cases.

Taking medication to treat type 2 diabetes comes with a particular set of serious side effects. The different drugs work by affecting the liver, pancreas or stomach in some way. Just about all of these drugs come with the danger of hypoglycemia — excessively low blood sugar.

If the pills are taken in higher amounts than they should be, or used without food, they can be dangerous. The most extreme cases of hypoglycemia will cause convulsions, coma and hypothermia.

Hypoglycemia is the possible side effect shared by just about every diabetes drug. Depending on the way drugs work on the body, they usually have their own set of specific side effects. Details on individual drug warnings can be found on the full prescribing information that comes with the drug.

There are some hazardous side effects of Actos that everyone should be aware of. It increases the risk of bladder cancer by 83 percent. It also makes people 30 percent more likely to have heart failure. The drug's chemical name is called pioglitazone. It works on the liver and cells of the body by slowing sugar output by the liver and sensitizing cells to insulin.

The sensitizing effect Actos has on cells is unique to pioglitazone and another popular diabetes drug called metformin. The specific way Actos works may be the reason for its many dangers. Since 2007, researchers have been discovering bad reactions from the drug in patients.

Actos has received the black-box warning label. It's the Food and Drug Administration's harshest warning. The warning was issued for the congestive heart failure, as well as Actos bladder cancer side effects.

Actos also doubles the risk of bone fractures in older women. It makes people three to six times more likely to get an eye disorder called macular edema that causes blindness.

Many other type 2 diabetes drugs can affect the heart, liver or kidneys, but few of them have the laundry list of bad reactions and the black-box warning Actos does. With Actos and other drugs, side effects usually develop when the medicine is used for a long time.

When selecting a type 2 diabetes drug, it's a good practice to read the full prescribing information to learn about side effects and possible alternatives. Patients and doctors should decide together which medicine is the best choice.
William Richards researches and writes about prescription drugs and medical devices for

Disclaimer: This article is contributed by a Guest Blogger. Ping of Health does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this article. Ping of Health disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

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Lactose Intolerance Explained

Thursday 14 June 2012

Nowadays, it's quite common to hear of friends suspecting they (or their children) may be lactose intolerance when they get an upset stomach after taking cheese, milk or other dairy products. This article sheds some light on what is lactose intolerance all about and suggests a very simple, effective solution should you really be unable to tolerate lactose.

What is lactose intolerance?  
Lactose is a type of sugar that is normally found in milk and related products. Lactose intolerance occurs when a person is unable, or has insufficient ability, to digest this sugar.

What causes lactose intolerance?
It is caused by the lack of an enzyme called lactase. Lactase breaks lactose down into glucose and galactose, 2 simpler forms of sugar which are then easily absorbed into our bloodstream. This condition is referred to as lactase deficiency.

What else causes lactose intolerance?
Some people's immune system may develop some form of reaction to cow milk protein, resulting in their inability to tolerate lactose. This condition is called cow milk allergy. It is commonly confused with lactase deficiency.

What are the different types of lactase deficiency?
1) Primary lactase deficiency
It may be genetically inherited. Usually begins after the age of 2, when the body starts to produce less lactase.
2) Secondary lactase deficiency
This occurs due to an injury to the small intestine as a result of severe diarrheal illness, major burns, blood infections or chemotherapy. May occur at any age.

What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?
  • Uncomfortable feeling experienced between 30 minutes to 2 hours after consuming a lactose product
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Gas/wind in the abdomen
  • Diarrhea and/or nausea
The symptoms range from mild to severe, depending on the level of tolerance and amount of lactose consumed. However, don't be so quick to assume you're lactose intolerance just because you get abdominal pains. It could be signs of other illnesses as well.

(Source: Dealing with lactase deficiency by Prof Dr Christopher Boey Chiong Meng, StarFit4Life, 20 May 2012)

What solution do you recommend?

A high quality probiotics is very effective in increasing your tolerance for dairy products. Click here now to discover why Lacto-berry probiotics fits the bill.

Don't deprive yourself any further. Email me at to get your Lacto-berry probiotics.
Click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.

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Deep Vein Thrombosis and the Side Effects of Heparin/Warfarin: Uncover the Best Solution

Saturday 9 June 2012

Email to buy Shuang Hor Lingzhi to prevent blood clots.

Heard of DVT (deep vein thrombosis)? It's a blood clot that forms in the veins of your leg due to prolonged inactivity during long airplane flights. It becomes life-threatening when that clot breaks off (embolism) and travels to your lungs or heart.

It is normal and necessary for our blood to clot. However, it is not normal when blood clots (thrombi) form within our large veins. This is called venous thromboembolism (VTE), and can be dangerous. It's estimated to be the 3rd most common cardiovascular disease after heart disease and stroke.

Risk Factors of Developing Thrombosis
  • Had a major operation recently
  • Wearing a plaster cast for a broken or fractured leg
  • Have cancer and undergoing treatment
  • Stroke or paralysis
  • Immobility, prolonged periods of sleeping, sitting or standing.
  • Increasing age
  • Pregnant and have a history of thrombosis
  • Certain oral contraceptives
  • Obesity
  • Long journeys. The extended period of sitting still is exacerbated by the lower pressure in the plane's cabin, and consuming excessive alcohol and caffeine, which can cause dehydration, making the blood thicker and making it move more slowly.

Signs or Symptoms of Thrombosis
  • Feeling warmth over the affected area
  • Feeling tenderness or pain in the leg
  • Swelling and a sensation of heaviness in the leg, particularly when you've been standing. If you press your finger onto the affected area, the pressure from your finger will create a small dent for several seconds.

Warning Signs of Pulmonary Embolism (blood clots in the lungs)
  • Sudden shortness of breath
  • Chest pain that worsens when you take deep breaths
  • Feeling dizzy or fainting spells
  • Rapid pulse
  • Sweating
  • Coughing up blood
Since the signs and symptoms are not specific and hard to distinguish from other conditions, it can be easily overlooked or misinterpreted, resulting in delayed diagnosis.

How is VTE Treated?

The treatment should aim to thin your blood, stop the blood clot from getting any bigger and prevent the clot from breaking loose.

The doctors normally prescribe anticoagulation medicine to thin your blood. Conventional western prescriptions are heparin and warfarin. Some pointers and words of caution:-
  • Have to be hospitalised for 5 days as warfarin takes several days to work.
  • Compulsory to take the medication exactly as instructed and adhere to strict diet, as warfarin interacts with other drugs and foods.
  • Have to go for regular blood tests as heparin and warfarin can have serious side effects. Overdose results in increased risk of bleeding. Taking too little risks getting additional blood clots.
  • Have to take warfarin for at least 3 months.
(Source: The Elusive Clot by Dr Kalpana Nayar, StarFit4Life, 27 May 2012)

Some side effects of heparin include:
  • Bruise easily
  • Bleed easily
  • Have to watch what you eat
  • Internal bleeding
  • Vision changes
  • Affected movement as your joints become more stiff
  • Feelings of confusion.

A Safer and More Convenient Option..

Scientific researches have shown that Lingzhi (or Ganoderma) can decrease the possibility of thrombus formation. It can increase the blood fluidity and improve the circulation of blood in our body. Click here to discover the Effects of Lingzhi (Ganoderma) on High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

You can be assured when taking Lingzhi because:
You don't have to observe a strict diet.
There is no requirement for regular blood test.
There is no side effects at all and you don't need to go to the hospital.

That is why I strongly recommend Lingzhi and encourage you to understand more how this natural herb works. 

Email me at if you want to switch from warfarin to Lingzhi. Discover the difference.
To buy, click here to refer to Shuang Hor company website for Product Description and Price.

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